Saints,This is an excellent series (audio sermons) and resources (books) on the subject of revival in Church history. These teachings by David Legge are highly recommended.The Revival We Need - Studying the need for revival in our day - 01. "What Is Revival?" -- Isaiah 57:1502. "A Revival In Christ-Centred Gospel Preaching" -- 1 Corinthians 2:1-503. "A Revival In The Bible" -- Nehemiah 804. "A Revival In Prayer" -- Nehemiah 905. "A Revival In Holiness" -- Nehemiah 1006. "A Revival In Love" -- Matthew 22:34-4007. "A Revival In The Holy Spirit" -- Ephesians 5:1808. BONUS SERMON: "A Call To Arms" -- 2 Chronicles 7:14; Romans 13:12Download and listen to them here:
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