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Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Prayer please

I am requesting some prayer for my current situation. I am going through a divorce and it is close to being final but my ex is starting to protest things we both agreed on and is slowing the process down. I know that divorce isn't a desirable thing and if I thought it was unavoidable I would but sadly my ex isn't a Christian and is unwilling to work on any part of the marriage to make it work. She has chosen her path and I am not a part of it other than my children. Please pray that if she forces this to court rather than agrees the courts find favor with me and it not be a huge blown up issue like she wishes to make it.

Please pray for my children as well that they are protected and sealed by God's holy love as they enter into a dark enviroment. Prayer for me that I don't harden and embitter my heart with anger and hate. And prayer for my ex's salvation that she may bring God glory and honor.

Thank you

Matthew Guldner

 2012/12/12 10:10Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Re: Prayer please

Thank you all for your prayers I appreciate them very much. Still needing prayer and just feeling really discouraged and frustrated with everything.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/12/19 5:30Profile

Joined: 2009/12/6
Posts: 101


Brother, be of good cheer amids the disappointment.
Hold fast to your faith which is far precious than pure gold.
Even the gates of hell are before His eyes, how much more your situation. Be of good cheer and work out your faith and righteousness.

Whenever GOD Almighty steps on the scene, the first thing He says is 'Fear not'.



 2012/12/19 6:12Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Thank you so much PQ I appreciate your encouragement and they are just what I needed to read.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/12/19 7:05Profile

Joined: 2011/12/29
Posts: 31

 Re: Prayer please

Hello Matthew,

I'm not going to sugar coat this because it will do you no good and time is short.

What came to mind regarding your wife fighting against things you agreed on is this scripture. 1 Corinthians 6:7

And this one: Matthew 5:39.

I know this may seem radical but frankly it is the way of Christ. Do not resist her. Give her what she wants.

I also have to ask you a question because this statement in your post troubled me: "I know that divorce isn't a desirable thing and if I thought it was unavoidable I would but sadly my ex isn't a Christian and is unwilling to work on any part of the marriage to make it work."

Matthew, did you initiate this divorce? Did you seek a divorce because your wife is an unbeliever and she was unwilling to make what changes you think need to made for you to have a 'happy' marriage? If so, you must NOT divorce. It is a sin and not the Lords will.

If it was your wife who left and filed for divorce have you stood in faith for your marriage? Have you made the committment to show her love and be faithful to your vows and woo her back?

Matthew God does not want you to divorce. There is a narrow way that leads to life and you must find the courage to follow it. This broad way you seem to be on will lead to destruction...for you and for your children.

This is also not only about you or your wife ultimately. It is about your precious children and the future generations. Do not allow the curse of divorce to enter your lives and the lives of future generations. Contrary to what you may have been told the evil divorce causes gets passed down for many, many generations...and it is NOT pretty, but horribly devestating. If you are not experiencing that yet in your life or your childrens lives, believe me you will at some point.

I am very sorry if I am wrong on your situation. Please forgive me and I do not come to condemn you. I speak with urgency because something seemed a little off in how you described the divorce, (you should be praising God your wife arguing about matters has slowed the divorce down! This should give you time to fast and pray for the restoration of your marriage) and because it seems time is of the essence I just had to be direct with you.

I am going to be praying for you, your wife, your marriage and children.

Don't give up Matthew. Don't believe the devils lie that the grass is greener on the other side. It isn't. You have been blessed with the priviledge to display the love of Christ to an unbeliever, who happens to be your wife. If you follow Jesus way, it will be a powerful testimony to the Lords glory. Who do you love the most? Jesus or your own 'life' in this world. That is the choice you must make, and more than your marriage depends on it.

Bless you and praying for you.

 2012/12/19 11:31Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Thank you for praying for me and I understand what you are saying, my situation is definitely personal and difficult and I apologize for my being vague on details I really didn't feel it was necessarily appropriate to give those details over a public forum. As I have said before I have done everything I possibly could to salvage my marriage, I have sought counseling and mentorship from many big brothers of the faith and received that counsel.

I could say and accuse my wife of many vile and terrible things and they be true but I don't wish to do that as that road definitely isn't right. I have sought God and fasted on this matter and I appreciate your prayers.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/12/21 11:36Profile

 Re: Prayer please

Dearest brother,

May God give you His peace as you cling to Him during this attack of Satan to destroy your family, to undermine your authority in Christ and to steal your wife and the mother of your children.

You are in a unique position. It is called persecution. What is Jesus requiring of you? He will you give a willingness to obey at all costs no matter what it looks like to others. Jesus said, "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me." Ps. 69:9

No matter what anyone is doing to you or saying to you, if you are submitted to God, he will vindicate you and He is a God of redemption, reconciliation and restoration. His will for you at this moment is to love your wife who is acting like your enemy, to be strong for her and your children. To remember that you are not fighting against flesh and blood but principalities and powers.

Look at this as a fire that is going to burn the dross off of you and make you a man of honor and integrity who stands for Christ Jesus. No man or woman can take away the peace of our Savior from you. He will instruct you moment by moment.

Many of us who have lost marriages, children and family through divorce are praying for you to walk this out in the victory of the cross. I am praying for you dear brother.
Sister Leslie

 2012/12/21 23:19

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