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 The nature and excellence of devotion.

Those who sought to discourage the Israelites from going up to the Promised Land, told them that it was "a land which eateth up the inhabitants thereof; " (Num 13:32) that is, that the climate was so unhealthy that the inhabitants could not live long, and that the people thereof were "men were of a great stature," who looked upon the. new-comers as mere locusts to be devoured.

It is just so, my daughter, that the world runs down true devotion, painting devout people with gloomy, melancholy aspect, and affirming that religion makes them dismal and unpleasant. But even as Joshua and Caleb protested that not only was the Promised Land a fair and pleasant country, but that the Israelites would take an easy and peaceful possession thereof, so the Holy Spirit tells us through His Saints, and our Lord has told us with His Own Lips, that a devout life is very sweet, very happy and very lovable.

The world, looking on, sees that devout persons fast, watch and pray, endure injury patiently, minister to the sick and poor, restrain their temper, check and subdue their passions, deny themselves in all sensual indulgence, and do many other things which in themselves are hard and difficult.

But the world sees nothing of the inward, heartfelt devotion which makes all these actions pleasant and easy. Watch a bee hovering over the mountain thyme; - the juices it gathers are bitter, but the bee turns them all to honey, - and so tells the worldling, that though the devout soul finds bitter herbs along its path of devotion, they are all turned to sweetness and pleasantness as its treads; - and the martyrs have counted fire, sword and rack but as perfumed flowers by reason of their devotion.

And if devotion can sweeten such cruel torments, and even death itself, how much more will it give a charm to ordinary good deeds? We sweeten unripe fruit with sugar, and it is useful in correcting the crudity even of that which is good. So devotion is the real spiritual sweetness which takes away all bitterness from mortifications; and prevents consolations from disagreeing with the soul: it cures the poor of sadness, and the rich of presumption; it keeps the oppressed from feeling desolate, and the prosperous from insolence; it avert sadness from the lonely, and dissipation from social life; it is as warmth in winter and refreshing dew in summer; it knows how to abound and how to suffer want; how to profit alike from honour and contempt; it accepts gladness and sadness with an even mind, and fills men's hearts with a wondrous sweetness.

- Francis of Sales

 2012/12/10 10:41

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