Written in 1981, over 30 years ago. What is our excuse? Better yet do we even have time left? Lord God, we don't need to be revived at this point, we need to be raised from the dead.http://www.ravenhill.org/beangry.htm'Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evil doer will be stubble and the day that comes shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall and ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.'Malachi 4:1-3
i can relate to his anger
Dearbrothagary,Jesus maintained this holy balance between loving the lost and being angry when men turned the temple into a den of thieves. He was angry with the religious mindset and loving those who had no shepherd.Brother Ravenhill could preach fiery sermons and weep in prayer on his knees or even in the pulpit. I just don't see this incredible Holy balance much anymore So often we are told not to be angry, but to be tolerant. This is conducive to compromise.We are told to be angry but not to sin. (Eph. 4:26) Evidentally it was not sin to turn the tables over in the temple by Jesus. And it was not sin to tell the hypocrites that the devil was their father. Anyway, what are your experiences?
Amen to Ravenhill's blessed article :)
I am reminded that "Meekness" in Jesus was Restrained Power.Lord, give us that meekness in the face of our anger. He is the One who is able to do this in us....
yea a broken anger ,that is mingled with tears fear and trembling ,,,it is different from fleshly anger
hi, i have been a christian for 50 years and i have never seen holy anger.for 2 years i was very close to len ravenhill and have never seen him angry or condemning. he would pray with tears over our condition.i never heard him criticize a person. he would be hard on false doctrine and attitudes of people.i am astounded at the number of self appointed watchmen we have today who think it is a holy thing to condemn named "brothers and sisters". they say they have the gift of discernment.we all need to humble ourselves and realize how weak we are.micah 6:8
thank you for your insights and comments. Micah 6:8 is so succinct: He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God...Amen. Lord may we walk in this way with Thee.