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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : Remember...

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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


“Remember—no child of God who is governed by the Holy Spirit, who is really living a life in the Spirit, will [intentionally, repeatedly, and protectively] infringe any Divine principle (1John, chapter 3).
Indeed, a life [InDwelt by and therefore] governed by the Holy Spirit will be the more meticulously careful about spiritual principles.” (TA Sparks)


I have spent the day on and off in prayer and this evening as I looked through some devotionals this one came up and just really spoke to my heart. I thought it a timely reminder, at least for me on a personal level and just wanted to pass it along here for some who might need encouraging or reminding also.

God bless

 2012/12/7 19:11Profile

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