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 Fireonthealtar dot com is UP AGAIN!!!!

Brothers and sisters,
this site is was the site that lead me here in 2002, and God back then gave me the ministry of cutting together compilations, which are spoken words, either Scripture or audio messages from fellow servants.

i was never so blessed when at night, Jesus would fill and thrill me, as we cut these together...out brother Greg has a few there as well.

Here's two of my favorites, the first is entitled, "As We Are One"......One of the Mountaintops of Everything Jesus said in Scripture is His High Priestly Prayer in John 17, this comp attempts to unpack the Divine Reality of that.

the second is "Hossana"........even today when i listen to it, its the kind of the 'comp' i listen to on my knees, i still weep in both joy and sadness....what i believe God was having me say was this,......we read of the people in the Bible, and they are just like us, they cry, they get hungry, cold..they seek, they obtain, they stumble, they rise...and we all share from the same Vine.

In Jesus' Love, neil

 2012/11/30 8:43

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Fireonthealtar dot com is UP AGAIN!!!!

Dear Brother,

Great to bring this site back to our attention. This is one of the older sites that I remember being blessed by during that season and he was one of the first brothers that had the idea of compilations which took off and was used by many.

Here are the 3 compilations I put together by God's grace:

Ravenhill - 1

Ravenhill - 2

Ravenhill - 3

Other compilations are here:

and here are compilations on SI:

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/11/30 9:30Profile

 very sweet memories

dear brother Greg,

amen! indeed! you wrote:


Great to bring this site back to our attention. This is one of the older sites that I remember being blessed by during that season and he was one of the first brothers that had the idea of compilations which took off and was used by many.

this was the first Christian website i visited, because God put me in an Assemblies church, and "revival" was very much in my heart.

the dear brother went by the nickname of "bought", and he had a tutorial page, "how to make a comp" was that site which led me here...i remember downloading sermons with a 56k dial up modem and 8 GB total of hard drive storage, but it was so blessed and very much worth it, Praise His Name!

since you are a father now, God had me cut a comp in 2004, called "A Kingdom of Priests", i wanted to let my son know who he is IN Christ Jesus....this is for you,....(yes, i know!! 12 minutes!!)

"A Kingdom of Priests"

much love, neil

 2012/11/30 14:10

Joined: 2012/2/8
Posts: 6650

 Re: very sweet memories

I didnt realize the site was down- i was there not long ago.

fire on the altar played a very major role in my own personal revival about 7 years ago. I have downloaded many many of the comps there and I have made a few.

My favorite comp on the site is still "strong fire burn." Gets me pumped every time i listen to it.


 2012/11/30 14:20Profile

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