My church sent a group of individuals up to the northern part of my state to minister to a struggling congregation. It is a small town of a few thousand people, in which two Baptist churches are placed about 6 miles apart from eachother, along with other denominations spread throughout. Our team was of 8 people, and the church they attended had a regular attendance of around 30 total. The sanctuary can hold about 100 people or so. The problem with this church I believe is that it mainly consists of elderly folk who are at retirement age, and have become famished in doing the work of the Lord. They have no young people to rise up within them to take the reigns, and now they are on the edge of distinction. Our team did some evangelism around the neighborhoods, where most people turned them away or abruptly shut the door in their faces. It was a shame to hear of such reports. I do not know whether the local church has done something to cause this or not, but no one seemed drawn to come. Sunday school attendance was 20 or so (counting our 8). I am racking my brain with what my church can do to help this ailing congregation, and I am coming up empty. Evangelism is a great route, and there is talk of my church planning a revival, but other than that it is a rather sad situation. I hope we can partner with another church to aid in the effort, but that is not on the forefront of discussion right now. We are going to try to send up a team of 2-4 people every other month to "check in" on the congregation, so hopefully that will help as well.We left their pastor with some resources, of which he has started combing through, but what else can we do? What other ideas are there for a struggling congregation with ample unchurched people all around? The county is 2% churched.
dvndsn wrote:"there is talk of my church planning a revival"Well, you can plan meetings, but you can't plan a revival. I am curious what county in KY this is.I am not sure what more you can do; I assume this is all covered in ample prayer. Obviously, the HS is going to have to move in order for there to be a real turnaround.
I knew this and am not quite sure why I wrote that, haha. The statistic comes from a Kentucky-wide organization of churches that coordinate efforts to help struggling churches. The county is Mason.
Dvndsn said, "what else can we do? What other ideas are there for a struggling congregation with ample unchurched people all around?"Brother, it would be better to totally give up on trying to rack your brain for ideas on what to do, and seek the Lord till you discover what HE wants to do. And be ready to do what He wants to do... even after you've had a look at the price tag on it.Allan
_________________Allan Halton