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  Results of some googling

I got courious and did dome googling. My search question was how much time does one spend watching TV in.a day. Diffent sites varied in their figures. But an average would be the typical American spends 3 to 5 hours s night in front of the television. A person age 65 or older (I am 61) spend an average of 30 hours a weeon front of tbe TV. That works out to a little over 4 hours a night in front of tbe tube. Another report I looked at said for every hour spent in front of the TV their life span is shortened by 22 minutes. Speaking of tbe inactivity of one's life. Note this casual googling only focussed on TV. It did not cover the internet or all other kinds of social media (or SI :).

I wonder how many processing Christians would be in that group that would spend an average of 3 to 5 hours ing TV. Lest you think tbis us an anti TV post. It us not. I watch TV. Personally I am a fan of the Military History Channel. But just to ask a question.

What would happen if we spent an hour of that time reading or listening to tbe New Testament? Say increase it to two hours or three hours. What would happen? I honestly do not know. But I wonder if we would put down the remote and pick up the New Testament or our Bibke. Would we not see revival If not in America then in our own lives.
As I said I do watch military history and Discovery Channel and PBS. But even this stuff is not redemptive and lacks eternal value. I have been challenged by Dan Bused's prayer letter to finish tbis year well with a stirong race. S I desire and resolve to spend three or more hours a day in the New Testament from now until the end of the year.

Saints I share this with you not in pride or arrogance or a religious spirit. And this is for me only. I repeat again this is for me. But I am 61. A baby boomer. My time will soon run out. I do nit want to be one of these weak, anemic Christians feeding on tbe crumbs from tbe masters table. Not when ve sets before me a marvelous buffet of 27 books in tbe New Testament. So I do not know what will happen if I spend 3 or mire hours a day in the word. But you know something? I am going to go to give it my best shot and find out. One thing I can say. Being in tbe word is bound to be better for me than the TV. Even if it is the Military Channel.

And I said this is my journey. My race. But if anyone would line to try this you are certainly welcome to come on this journey. Pick your own time before tbe Lord. This is grace. Maybe we can open hp a thread and share how God is speaking to us through his word.

One bear not ready for hibernation.


 2012/11/25 14:01

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: Results of some googling

Unfortunately this is true. I wonder what would happen if a believer would get rid of the TV entirely and commit that time to their family and to pursuing God? i believe we are most deceived if we think w can walk in the power of God and spend that kind of time immersed in the philosophy of the world through Tv.


 2012/11/25 14:37Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL

 Re: Results of some googling

Let us know what you find out with this little experiment. I am very interested.


 2012/11/25 20:30Profile

Joined: 2008/8/23
Posts: 100


I will attemp the same. I got rid of my tv a few years ago, but there is plenty of other things that I can x out.

not to get to side tracked, but is there any reason for only the N.T.

I don't want to take away from the intention of the thread so if don't want to answer right now i understand.

In Christ,

 2012/11/26 5:59Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Results of some googling

bearmaster...A person age 65 or older (I am 61) spend an average of 30 hours a weeon front of the TV.

Mr. Bear is the same age as Mr. Bill, 10/4/51. :)


 2012/11/26 10:20Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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