interesting way to put it, I thought...
In my understanding their 'big, tough talk' is designed to fire up their base.
I just thought it was interesting that They would use NT Biblical language
Actually it's also a saying in all types of literature.But as for this terrible thing. If Israel didn't have the support of the United States, they would not be trying to stir up their neighbours. And the reason why no one touches Israel right now is because of the United States. But if that should fail, they will not stand a chance, unless God intervenes, but I don't think He will because Israel is just as godless as any of the godless nations in the world today.
But if that should fail, they will not stand a chance, unless God intervenes, but I don't think He will
Sometimes I wonder if some Christian really have their head in a box when it comes to affairs in the world. Do we think that we are the only ones who have a doctrine that deals with hell? Heaven? Angels and demons? Why should it be a surprise if Hamas talks about opening the gates of hell. They believe in it and Heaven as well only it isn't the exact one as Christians believe in. Are we really that ignorant because if we are then we need to check our brains because we are probably very ignorant in other areas of life as well. It makes no sense to me at all.
Absolutely agree with you here, we cannot say that God has abandoned Israel forever - no way! It is only for a season until the day of the Gentiles end and then their eyes will be opened to who God is. Can't you see the sheer bias against Israel here. I was angry watching our BBC news. Israel has been bombed with approx 700 missiles this past year by Hamas against civilians, with no word from the press condemning this, yet as soon as they specifically target a top man commiting the terror against them they are blasted by the press and again are the bad guy in all this!! Ohh definately God is waiting His perfect timing and then He'll step in and intervene! Ohh, my dad got heated at anyone who stated God is finished with Israel within earshot of him!!
_________________Ceri Elaine
Obviously we know that GOD is protecting Israel, not the US.
@Ceri and stevet83Exactly.
Approved wrote: "But as for this terrible thing. If Israel didn't have the support of the United States, they would not be trying to stir up their neighbours."Israel stir up their neighbours? You have a very distorted view! It's the otherway around. What are the facts? Israel was pressured a few years ago into forcing out Israeli citizens from Gaza and handing Gaza over to the Palestinians. Since that time Hamaz has used Gaza as a weapons base and for launching hundreds (nay thousands) of misiles into Israel.Do you seriously think that if somewhere like Cuba was firing even just a few misiles a month into the USA that the US government would do nothing?