Because they feel like they are not being heard. They vote... and it makes no difference whatsoever. It's that simple. The South's interests are not the same as the Northeast, or California's. Therefore they feel like someone else's interests are being forced upon them.And I doubt it's just in the South. I'm sure the mid-west and western states feel much the same way.Krispy
Where do I sign??Krispy
I think seceding is the total demonstration that one hates america. And i would disagree with you brother krispy. As much as the federal govt has expanded its power since the new deal, states still retain many rights and the SC has affirmed this. For example, i believe that it was in a souther state that voters voted on whether to limit Obamacare in their state. im not sure if it passed and of course the federal govt can challenge that but this is nonetheless an example of a state retaining a right. Additionally, there are electoral cycles in which one party becomes the majority in one election and becomes the minority in the next. This has happened since the founding of the nation really and the most notable examples were Republicans have regained control of congress were in 1994 and 2010. Granted in 2010 they only won the House, but that in itself is significant. And a large part of this has to do with grassroots organization, namely the tea party. So to say that their voices are not being heard is baseless. DOMA is still law and that was passed during the Clinton years for example (but Obama will no longer defend it, but this can change with a change of administrations). Bush was President for 8 years. Conservatives' voices were heard. Elias
Another pot shot, Neil? Glad to see you have that forgiveness thing down so well.Krispy
Elias... dont misunderstand. In all seriousness I am not for any state seceding. Its not the way to solve the issues, and no one state can survive without the others.You asked why some states feel that way, and I'm simply explaining why. They feel like their vote doesnt matter anymore.Krispy
No Neil... North Carolina voted down gay marriage, for instance. Almost all the Northeastern states have made it legal.Now we've re-elected a President who has openly stated that he is also in favor of gay marriage. it wont be long before that decision is taken away from the states, and the federal government will mandate to the states what they are to do in regards to gay marriage.Thats just one example.Krispy
No malice brother. and forgive me if i sound a bit rude.
No no Elias... the pot shot comment was intended for Neil, not you.Krispy
Another pot shot. Glad to see you have that forgiveness thing down so well.Krispy