The Pope has demanded an end to electric guitars and modern music in church and a return to traditional choirs.The Catholic Church has been experimenting with new ways of holding Mass to try to attract more people. The recital of Mass set to guitars has grown in popularity in Italy; in Spain it has been set to flamenco music; and in the United States the Electric Prunes produced a "psychedelic" album called Mass in F Minor.However, the use of guitars and tambourines has irritated the Pope, who loves classical music. "It is possible to modernise holy music," the Pope said, at a concert conducted by Domenico Bartolucci the director of music at the Sistine Chapel. "But it should not happen outside the traditional path of Gregorian chants or sacred polyphonic choral music."His comments prompted the newspaper La Stampa to compare him with Pope Pius X, who denounced faddish classical and baroque compositions and reinstated Gregorian chants in 1903.The Pope's supporters argue that the music played during Mass is a vital part of the communion between worshippers and God, and that medieval church music, with the liturgy, creates the correct ambience for perceiving God's more:
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
It would be well if there was a protestant pope who could call the church back to godly, christ-filled, theological hymns in our day.
Very interesting. And bizarre. Never knew they had any such thing as flamenco music or even guitar music masses! Can't even imagine how THAT sounds. I read this wondering what satan's purposes could be in calling it back to the historical Gregorian music et al. I seem to recall someone saying something once somewheres that Gregorian chant has some form of demonic or occult? power. When i first became a (struggling)Christian two decades ago i bought a tape of Gregorian chant which i played constantly for it's haunting, seemingly "holy" or "spiritual" sound. But one day a secular acquaintance heard it and told me she was creeped out by it and that i should get rid of it and stop listening to it and she thought it sounded like it could cause depression. She was a Non-Christian but i reflected on what she said and got rid of it very soon after that because she caused me to start to wonder. I had not known it was "Catholic" stuff at the time. (I was so new in the faith that at that time i even thought that EVERYONE who named the name of Christ was Christian, even Christian Science churches, etc!)Does anyone have any thoughts or knowledge on this Gregorian chant stuff? I never was able to make out the words. Is it satanic?
are you serious greg you want a pope to rain as a king over all of us and exacise infalable athority,,,your spinning out brother ,go take a nap ,,lol ill just ignore what you said how about a pope that says this is ok i just read in the townsvill bullitin ,which is an australian news paper ,,whare i live ,small town that saint francises arm is just traveled to townsville ,and is being moved from church to church so the faithfull can be moved to pray to him and what ever alse happens when a romon catholic adors a relicthe paper said they cut the dead saints arm of and took it to rome to honer the saint im not joking ,,,,,grave robbery is now being indorsed by the chruch ,and the leading catholic biship in my town ,michal puteny i was excitedly appaled at what is going on ,,i knew about ardorning relicks and and such ,,but this has never happend to my town ,,,puntuny said he also prayed at saint frances grave sight his severd arm is in a persepex box and can be viewed by anyone in my towngreg brother ,,how bout we dont praise the pope ,or anthying this sick cult practices unless you think maby we should dig up david wilkinson and cut his leg of and get some sick pleasuer of adoring his flesh i can only get angry and shake my head crying after hearing what they are doing with saint frances paul called it a vile body and longed for it to be transformed in to a spiritual body blessings
Re: Silence modern music in church, says Pope Reply To This Post |It would be well if there was a protestant pope who could call the church back to godly, christ-filled, theological hymns in our Moderator - Greg Gordon__________________I too was surprised to see you write this comment Greg but then I realized that you must have been being sarcastic in your reply and not truly mean it ...God blessmaryjane
I like the old hymns, but they never moved me into the presence of God like some of the modern worship music does. It seems like the great majority of old hymns are ABOUT God, or Jesus(certainly nothing wrong with that), but are not addressed TO him.My wife an I were discussing why that is; i.e. did the old hymn writers think it was improper to address God directly?If so, not sure why. David sure did.
are you serious greg you want a pope to rain as a king over all of us and exacise infalable athority,,,your spinning out brother ,go take a nap ,,lol ill just ignore what you said
by sermonindex on 2012/11/11 2:10:04
I could see where my brother Greg was coming from and it made me smile for I too, would ban the greatest amount of what passes for worhsip today. Yet, I also agree with the brother that spoke of speaking to the Lord personally I just believe that you can do both. And one last point, as an ex Catholic, my sympathies lie with brothergary. It is disgusting, you are right, but they are lost of course and are not saved as I know that you know.............. bro Frank