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Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Franklin Graham: U.S. on 'Path of Destruction' | | The Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist the Rev. Billy Graham, has stated that he believes that America is on a "path of destruction" due to yesterday's election results.
In an interview with CNN last night, Graham explained that the path he was referring to involved, among other things, the legalization of same-sex marriage.
"If we are allowed to go down this road in the path that this president wants us to go down, I think it will be to our peril and to the destruction of this nation," Graham said.
Yesterday, after years of successes at the ballot box, supporters of marriage as defined between one man and one woman were handed four defeats in four states. The people of Maryland and Washington states voted in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage, reaffirming legislation passed earlier in each state.
Voters in Minnesota stopped a constitutional amendment from being added to the state's constitution; same-sex marriage does, however, remain illegal in the North Star State. And voters in Maine approved a referendum legalizing same-sex marriage, several years after a similar measure failed.
During the 2012 election campaign season, the Grahams were heavily involved in socially conservative causes and the presidential race. The Rev. Billy Graham had endorsed Republican challenger Mitt Romney after meeting with the former Massachusetts Governor. Graham also endorsed Minnesota's marriage amendment.
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_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2012/11/7 13:06 | Profile | Yeshuasboy Member
Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: Franklin Graham: U.S. on 'Path of Destruction' | | The Lord knows our hearts (Luke 16:15), and all souls are His (Ezekiel 18:4). Someone said on another post that (I'm paraphrasing, for the quote was just read, but not before my eyes at present), "yesterday (U.S. 2012 Presidential Election Day) 50% of the people (voters, I believe the person is referring to) chose death." But, I say, that a much higher percentage of even Christendom has, and will, choose death over the Abundant Life that is found in Christ Jesus. (Read Matthew 7:20 - 27). It's .... I don't even know the word to use, (amazing?)... that how a little bit of "pressure", or an agenda of somekind, can expose the 'true colours' of people. I'd like to ask, "What is even the point of posting an article like this; What is the motive behind it?" And, I don't ask this question to offend. Let us remember this verse, and similar verses: Proverbs 16:18; Job 41:15; 1John 2:16... The Lord does as He pleases (Eccl 8:3). What so-called distractions the devil uses to throw off God's children from hastening the coming of Christ. Blame here, blame there, everywhere a blame-blame. Ah, there... Do you see it?! The harvest field!!! oh, but where are the labourers? Being entertained by sports? Writing books? Putting their own desires above the Lord's, and saying they are doing the Lord's work. Interesting indeed! The days may get darker quick, or they may not. Massive revivals may come or may not. Every child of God has a work to do, not a finger to point; but let us remember Philippians 2:12 - 16. Even if another Hitler were to rule in either Canada or the U.S., or a Bloody Mary, or Nero, so be it. Perhaps a dividing line of sorts is needed, or will be required in North America sooner or later. Whatever the Lord chooses. I wish to be not so terrible to desire such a thing, but if the Lord chooses to let it happen, whom am I to murmur and complain. Let me not blame what is visible in the Kingdoms on the Earth against The Father whom is Invisible and the Lord of the heavens and the Earth. Perhaps a good study of the Books of Kings and Chronicles is needed; or the life of Daniel the Prophet, and David under Saul's headship; or the Christ Jesus going about the Father's business while Israel was under Caesar's rule, is needed by many at this time? I believe it is. Let us learn from the Word of God in both Testaments. Let us heed as to what happened to the Israelites which was written for our example, and let us sit, sit, sit, in Spirit, in brokenness, at the feet of Jesus and learn of Him. "I (Paul the Apostle), EXHORT therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for ALL men; For KINGS, AND FOR ALL THAT ARE IN AUTHORITY; THAT WE MAY LEAD A QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE IN ALL GODLINESS AND HONESTY (1Timothy 2: 1-2). You do as you will, but no leader of any country can harm my relationship between me and God. If that relationship is harmed, that's my fault, no-one elses. Let us beware of false teachers and workers crept in unawares. _________________ Richie
| 2012/11/7 18:23 | Profile | gators52 Member
Joined: 2011/9/21 Posts: 62 Central Florida
| Re: | | What?!?! Yeshuasboy what are you talking about?? You seemed like you were all over the place... Motive might just be 1 Peter 4:7... _________________ Brian
| 2012/11/7 18:57 | Profile | Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: Franklin Graham: U.S. on 'Path of Destruction' | | Not too sure about Franklin Graham.
Didn't his ministry just remove Mormonism from it's website due to the GOP Nominee? Yet, now America is on a path of destruction because his guy didn't win?
People need to get a grip. Jesus is Lord, was, and is, and is to come.
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/11/7 23:34 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Didn't his ministry just remove Mormonism from it's website due to the GOP Nominee? Yet, now America is on a path of destruction because his guy didn't win?
I am a Canadian, if I was a U.S. citizen, I would have voted for Romney. His religion is a very light thing, it matters little. He sees that America is going down a bad road morally and Obama is a pawn to bring America down further. God is using Barack Obama to bring America down to it's knees. It's not time for a rebound just yet, if God wanted Romney in, He would have gotten in, but the tide isn't ready to change yet. Ninevah was morally lost and God was just about through with them and wanted to destroy it. But before He could do that it was necessary to send someone first to see what kind of response would come out the preaching of Jonas. Mercy is always extended first to see if people will respond to Him.
America hasn't reached the point for mercy yet. She must endure many obstacles of judgments first. Judgment hit New York with the Twin Towers falling, then New Orleans, then New Jersey/New York, more is to come because America like Israel has done many times before will call on God (fill up the churches) just enough to settle back into what they were doing before. It's not enough to change, it's just enough to feel comfortable again. Israel would do this several times until God drove them into captivity. Unfortunately, we do this ourselves all the time. |
| 2012/11/8 9:13 | | Yeshuasboy Member
Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: | | It's all a distraction - to get our eyes off Christ, is what I'm saying gators52. And I'm not saying that that is Mr Gordon's motive either, lol, just in case, one may have the "sense" that I'm implying that. I'm saying, as I said, Get at the feet of Jesus, and learn of Him. If anyone is half, or even fully converted here, awakened, or pricked in their conscience, flee to Christ whom is Mighty to save from the wrath that is coming. Time to get our souls filled with the Spirit, by the grace of God, and not be as the unwise virgins. Make your own calling and election sure. Examine yourselves to see if you be in the faith. Throw off worldly interests. When Christ returns, will He find faith, faith in Him, upon the Earth? As the disciples said to the Lord(I'm paraphrasing), "this person over hear is doing this and that." Jesus answered, "What is that to thee? Follow Me." God help us! Let us keep Mr Gordon in our prayers. "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover over a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8). _________________ Richie
| 2012/11/8 11:51 | Profile | Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Approved said,
His religion is a very light thing, it matters little.
We will have to agree to disagree. I beleive that it matters a whole lot to many Christians and to the Lord. _________________ Christiaan
| 2012/11/8 16:51 | Profile | Miccah Member
Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | Double Post.
_________________ Christiaan
| 2012/11/8 16:51 | Profile |
| Re: Franklin Graham: U.S. on 'Path of Destruction' | | Quotation
Many people deem the world to be getting better every day. Is not civilization making progress daily? They think the world is heading upward and forward, without any sign of regression. And in accordance with such acceleration in progress, they muse that very soon the ideal Christian society will appear on earth. Yet how different is the word of Revelation from mens thoughts! It never for a moment considers the world as progressive! Rather, its testimony is that the sins of men will have increased so rapidly that the world stands irredeemable because it rejects God and His salvation. And hence, apart from judgment, there is nothing else to be done; for even with the severest judgment, men will not repent. This is true not only with the world but even with the Church! The Church has left her first love; therefore she will be spewed out by the Lord. The modern conception of things and Gods word are totally at variance. Since the words of Revelation bear witness to God and not to man, it is not agreeable to mens thought, and consequently it is not welcome by men. How deplorable that many have lost the spirit of testifying against the sinfulness of this world, just as the pages of Revelation show!
Watchman Nee Aids to Revelation |
| 2012/11/8 17:35 | | BeYeDoers Member
Joined: 2005/11/17 Posts: 370 Bloomington, IN
| Re: | | Miccah, I think Approved was saying, basically, we aren't voting for pastor or elder here. It's not that his religion didn't matter, it's that it's silly to say you wouldn't vote for one guy due to his mormonism, so you help the other guy who is a Statist/Black Liberationist/Islam sympathizer. _________________ Denver McDaniel
| 2012/11/8 20:37 | Profile |