Poster | Thread | murrcolr Member
Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Quote: How do you know you've received the second blessing?
Youll have a pure heart..
Acts 15 -7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. 8 And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; 9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
In this passage of scripture we can see the duality of the work in a believers life.
1. They should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. 2. And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us.
What is the sign that they had received the Holy Spirit, Peter saw that the Holy Ghost coming into the believers life made you pure in heart Peter doesnt relate to speaking in tongues to getting the Holy Spirit although the first record of speaking in tongues was at Pentecost.
Paul speaking in his first letter to Corinthian church says he cant talk to them as Spiritual but babes in Christ like the carnal. To these belivers he writes about spiritual gifts so it safe to say that a babe in Christ is someone who acts walk and talk like a mere man and can operate in the gift of the spirit. He goes onto say in 1 Cor 12:31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
We are told to covet the gifts but there is a more excellent way. 1 Cor 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. What he saying is that you can talk in tounges of Angels, and have no love
Having love is the more excellent way a pure heart is a heart that is full of love. A pure heart suffers long, and is kind; it doesnt envy; its not full of pride, it puts other first, its not easily provoked, doesnt plan evil deeds, it doesnt behave unseemly, it does like iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Cor 13: 11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
To become Spiritual we must put away childish thing what are childish things envying, and strife, and divisions, how is that accomplished by a second work of the Spirit where your hearts is made pure.
Edit for spelling
_________________ Colin Murray
| 2012/11/3 8:54 | Profile |
| Re: | | My question. How can you be a believer in Christ Jesus and not have the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9 simply says that if anyone does niot have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him. You either have the Holy Spirit or you don't. If one does not have the Spirit. Then that person is not a believer in Christ.
1 John 3:24 tells us we know Christ is living in us by tbe Spirit he has given us. Saints its simple. If Christ is living in us. It is by his Spirit. If one is a believer in Christ. Then Christ is living in him. If Christ is living in him. Then it is by tbe Spirit of Jesus in him.
According to the New Testament there is no such thing as a believer, a true born again blood baought, blood covered believer without the Holy Ghost. It us an oxymoron.
| 2012/11/3 10:13 | |
| Re: | | I just started reading in John 3. Jesus tells Nicodemus. In order for one to see tbe kingdom of God. One must be born of water and tbe Spirit. As Jesus likens tbe wind blowing. He tells Nicodemus. Just as you cannot tell where tbe wind is coming from or where it is going. So is everyone born of tbe Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit is present in the birthing process of the believer so the Spirit is present in the child of God. Again there us no such thing as a believer in Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit. This is tbe testimony of tbe New Testament.
Bearmaster. |
| 2012/11/3 10:26 | | murrcolr Member
Joined: 2007/4/25 Posts: 1839 Scotland, UK
| Re: | | Quote: I just started reading in John 3. Jesus tells Nicodemus. In order for one to see tbe kingdom of God. One must be born of water and tbe Spirit. As Jesus likens tbe wind blowing. He tells Nicodemus. Just as you cannot tell where tbe wind is coming from or where it is going. So is everyone born of tbe Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit is present in the birthing process of the believer so the Spirit is present in the child of God. Again there us no such thing as a believer in Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit.
Okay I could have named the thread differently.
But picking up on you point see tbe kingdom of God there is no doubt in my mind that a believer has the Spirit, but does that mean there is no need for a Baptism of the Spirit later.
Is it right to claim that we Quote: Everyone is settled with the fact that they have received the Holy Ghost at confession by faith. If that is the case, why seek for something more?
Why should we seek for something more..?
There is a difference of between see tbe kingdom of God and inheritng the kingdom of God.
Paul warns us in Gal 5:19-21 that those who practice the works of the flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God..
The reason why I say we need more is because that a further or a deeper work deals with the flesh, to truly say your Christs you must have your flesh crucified with the affections and lusts Gal 5:24.
_________________ Colin Murray
| 2012/11/3 12:20 | Profile | UntoBabes Member
Joined: 2010/8/24 Posts: 1035 Oregon
| Re: | | For all those who believe they are already filled with the Holy Spirit, Please answer these questions.
Are you wholly consumed with God and the lost world.
Have you given the gospel to every one you know, your neighbors, loved ones and are you known by your surroundings as the "Gospel freak"
When you talk of Christ and salvation, is there life to your words that bring conviction of sin and reveal Christ to the lost.
Can you tell the sick physically and spiritually: Silver and Gold I have not but that which I have I give to you, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord, get up and walk.
Do you get up in the middle of the night with anguish and burden knowing that during your sleeping hours thousands of souls dying and perishing for eternity.
Is your prayer daring as to plead with God: " Give me America or take my life, save the souls of my loved ones or take my soul".
Are you absolutely consumed with the things of God? Does He trust you with His heart burden? Are you standing in the gap? Is this you food and drink?
If these things are not true of you, then at least humbly admit it and ask God for the fulness of His Holy Spirit.
_________________ Fifi
| 2012/11/3 12:41 | Profile |
| Re: murrcolr | | 2 Cor.5:17 tells us that we are new creations in Christ Jesus. Old things are passing away. While new things are comng into that new reality one has with Christ Jesus. If one has has had a credible saving work with Jesus Christ done in them. Then that person is going to grow more into that relationship with Jesus.
In 1 Peter 2:1 we read like newborn babies. We are to crave the pure spiritual milk of tbe word so we may grow in respect to our salvation. And the growth is to be done in the Spirit.
Yes. There us a need for something more. It translate into more growth in Jesus. In essence. A need for more of Jesus himself.
My understanding.
Bearmaster. |
| 2012/11/3 12:50 | |
| Re: Untobabes | | Indeed, my sister, your questions are heart provokig and penetrating. I would have to answer 'no'. But then to humbly ask to fill me with his Holy Spirit and that on a daily basis.
But then you speak of being filled with tbe Holy Spirit which is something that we should do by faith daily. Others are saying the believer needs to go through a 'second blessing'. I do not see this taught in the New Testament. A daily continual filling of the Holy Spirit is taught. But a second work of grace or a second blessing. No. I do nit see being taught in scripture
But indeed. I do ask humbly ask God to fill this broken earthen vessel with his blessed Holy Spirit.
Bearmaster. |
| 2012/11/3 13:03 | | UntoBabes Member
Joined: 2010/8/24 Posts: 1035 Oregon
| Re: | | You will notice that all the traits I mentioned were received instantaneously upon the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They did not have to grow into them.
On the first day Finney was converted and Baptised by the Holy Spirit he spoke to every one he knew about Christ and almost every one he spoke to was converted immediately or shoptly after.
Now, ask yourself how long have you been a Christian?
_________________ Fifi
| 2012/11/3 13:05 | Profile | UntoBabes Member
Joined: 2010/8/24 Posts: 1035 Oregon
| Re: | | quote" A daily continual filling of the Holy Spirit is taught. But a second work of grace or a second blessing. No"
Brother, the time these things I have mentioned are true of you is the time you recieved the Holy Spirit"
If your daily filling causes these things to be birthed in you, so be it. If ones upon a time in the moment it happens, so be it, but the truth remains that these things must take place in every single Spirit filled believer, and if these things are not there, to be really scriptural you are not Spirit filled.
_________________ Fifi
| 2012/11/3 13:15 | Profile |
| Re: Untobabes | | My sister when Finny was baptized as ut were in tbe Spirit revival was moving across tbe land. The things you mentioned I have seen during tbe Jesus movement which was the last credible move of tbe Spirit across tbe nation. Thus naybe a distinction needs to be made between an external and internal move of the Spirit. External being what we would calk revival. Internal what we would call that daily filling of tbe Spirit.
But something else. Moody prayed to be baptized with the Spirit. He agonized in prayer for month for tbe baptism or filling. It was inky when God convicted by the verses in Romans 10 that faith cometh by hearing and gearing by the word of Christ. Moody began to spend extended times reading the word. And that would go on for days. As his intake of tbe word grew so his faith grew. As his faith grew he grew more in power. As he grew more in lower he won many souls to Christ. And Moody only had a 6th grade education.
Jesus said it is tbe Spirit who gives life. The flesh counts for nothing. His words are Spirit and they are life. The more time one spends in the New Testament, his words of Spirit and life. The more powerful in tbe Spirit they will become. The testimonies of Bunyon and Moody confirm this.
Just my thoughts dear sister.
Bearmaster. |
| 2012/11/3 13:31 | |