QUOTE: "Just as a seductive, evil woman has a great deal of power to draw a good man to sin, likewise a woman of sterling character inspires a man to be worthy of her respect."==BEEKPRI know you didn't mean anything by it but i dislike the prevailing double standard among Christian MEN and the prevailing mindset that it is always the WOMAN who is the seducer or seductive one. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. I have seen far more MEN who do the seducing than women. In college i even met a guy who kept a little black book of all the women he went to bed with. Am not saying that there are not women who do so, but it just seems that men are never mentioned as the seducers, particularly in the Bible, even though they most often ARE.
Trekker,What is the difference between lust - which is forbidden to a Christian - and sexual fantasies? Are they not one and the same? Perhaps you can enlighten me...
_________________Sandra Miller
I agree, Trekker, male seducers abound - and I find their vile mindset diabolically loathesome! My point was that for me, as a man, I was blessed to have godly female friends who inspired me towards good moral character. Regarding your question about sexual fantasies, with God's grace I tried not to go there. While I am a farmer by trade (I had to pay the groceries somehow) I am a poet and artist at heart. I think that my imagination is fertile enough that I could have created vivid sexual fantasies in my mind that would have put porn to shame - but the Spirit of God would have fled such an unsuited habitation! My thinking was that if God ever led me to a wife, I did not want our relationship messed up with filthy baggage which I had allowed my mind to accumulate. Now that I am married, I believe that this is part of the reason that I find my wife's beauty so delightful.
I think it is unwise to have both males and females commenting on an article that deals with pornography. Besides this, there is some imagery in the article that I find inappropriate for a public forum such as this. We need to be wise unto the wiles of the serpent when bringing exposure to topics such as porn and sexuality in a public venue such as this, as Satan is very crafty to turn weapons pointed at him back on us. I've seen it happen. Because of the male/female ratio of the forums and the different age group/maturity levels involved in the discussion, I encourage everyone to pray for wisdom and discretion before bringing topics of a sexual nature into the forum. I'm closing the thread. We appreciate everyone's sensitivity regarding this issue.Brother Paul
_________________Paul Frederick West