Poster | Thread | onemite Member
Joined: 2011/9/19 Posts: 168
| Re: | | Thank you Brother Paul. I've printed out the entire blog that you linked to the original post. I can see there is so much right there. I'll begin by reading that over slowly. I would love to obtain a copy of the book you speak of. Is the blog an exerp from the same book? |
| 2012/10/24 22:18 | Profile | tbsounde2 Member
Joined: 2009/2/11 Posts: 179 Los Angeles, CA
| Re: | | thank you so much for your post brother paul, i really felt each word stirring in my be honest it has been really hard for me these days as i cry out for the grace to be conformed into His image because it seems that the Lord is tarrying in answering...also, i would love a copy of your book as well if possible =) _________________ Will
| 2012/10/24 22:43 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
Is the blog an exerp from the same book?
A large part of the blog contains unedited chapters of the book. The published version has much more information though, along with many more scripture references and spiritual illustrations. There are other articles in the blog that will eventually, Lord willing, be incorporated into another book, but the one that is available now is called "Understanding Mortification" - the same title as the blog, and Greg Gordon wrote the foreword. I'll be delighted to send a free copy to you, or anyone for that matter, if you email me a request with your information to [email protected].
Your servant in Christ,
Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/10/25 15:43 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
thank you so much for your post brother paul, i really felt each word stirring in my be honest it has been really hard for me these days as i cry out for the grace to be conformed into His image because it seems that the Lord is tarrying in answering...also, i would love a copy of your book as well if possible =)
Dear friend, if it will make you feel any better, I can assure you I am a just as big - or even bigger - failure and upset to the Lord than you are. Please don't let these articles fool you into thinking I have "arrived" more than anyone else here. I have not. I mourn daily on account of my chronic unchristlikeness, my selfishness, my unspoken criticisms, my secret passions and flesh-feedings. I hate them with all my might; my prayer is that God will give me grace each day to rise above them. And very often I do! Victory is always assured when I humble myself and cry for grace; there has never been a time when God has let me down. The times I have failed were never because of a failure on God's part - the fault was and is always my own. I get puffed up; I unload on my wife and hesitate in asking forgiveness; I shout at my kids; I shoot my mouth off too much at work. I come under great conviction and then tarry in "setting things right". As a result, I weaken and become susceptible to advancements by the enemy.
Satan hits me at the right time and I fall. Because I was too proud to ask for grace, God resisted "Brother Paul's" efforts at overcoming temptation in the heat of the moment. I crumble under Satan's darts, and the result is yet another failure. So do not think you are alone in this painful business of Christ conformity. I fail God just as much as the most wretched person here.
Email me your info if you still want the book and I'll send you a copy: [email protected].
Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/10/25 16:02 | Profile | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: God's Word Sustains the Inner Man | | Quote:
There is nothing in the world the devil can use to bargain an exchange for the partaking of Christs divine nature.
I wish I can be like that. Completely sold out to Christ. If Apostle Paul could count all the things as loss compared to knowing (fellowship) with Christ then why can't I? But I am millions of mile way from being Christlike. Still I will keep walking acknowledging that the one who started the good work in me will prefect it.
A yielding must take place to where our thoughts are first run through a filter of grace before they are verbalized and released.
Many think that this yielding is working out our own salvation. But the truth is it is NOT. The yielding to Spirit is different from yielding to law, because Spirit does the work inside you so that yielding will be easy and not a burden like the yoke of law. I would compare this yielding to filling the jars with water (easier job) but it is the spirit that converts this water to a valuable wine by working miracles inside us.
I will post more on remains paragraphs in this article.
_________________ Sreeram
| 2012/10/25 16:23 | Profile | brothagary Member
Joined: 2011/10/23 Posts: 2556
| Re: | | wow brother paul ,,,your humilitty is so evendent ,,how refreshing it is to see sombody not gloat in there own righeousness ,,,,,,romans talks about the the gift of righeousness ,and the imputed righeousness ,else ware ,,the righeousness of god ,,,,,lets boast in that
that he has givern us the gift of his righeousness in christ ,a righeousness that he excepts ,,he looks through his son and sees us in his son ,,and is well pleased to look through the blessed son to see a reflection of imputed glory that surounds us by faith
what a gift we have been givern tho we are still earthern vesels ,,men of dust in aperances ,but vesels prepared for glory before hand in christ jesus ,through the Unfathonable election
be not high minded be not wise in your own opinion
be not haughty
i liked paul washer honesty about him self ,as you have been honesty
if wisdom is a gift from god ,and one can be wise in god but comanded ,not to be wise in ones own opinion
one should not boast in how holy and righteous we are ,,even tho god has given power to walk in holyness and grow in holyness ,along side the gift of his infiniute perfect righeousness ,that was acounted to us when we believed, as happened to abraham ,,,and not wile circumsised the apostal paul said but, before righeous works are done ,are we justafied by his grace through the perfect gift of christs righeousness ,,saved by his life
the perfect life layed down for his friends ,greator love has no man then this ,and excepted by god ,apesings gods righteous anger on the sons of adam ,vesles of glory prepared before hand ,for his good pleasure
we hear a lot about the gifts of the spirit and the gift of salvation
and every good and perfect gift that comes down from the father of lights
but the gift of righeousness ,is the foundation of gifts
blessed with every spirutal blessing in the heavnly place spirtual blessings are all resting on the one blessing
and without this foundational blessing ,,there is no otheres givern
if the lord of saboth had not left us a seed we would all be turned in to sodom ,and made in to gomera
| 2012/10/25 19:33 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
I will post more on remains paragraphs in this article.
You've provided some very good comments, Sree. I am in total agreement with you on them and sense a solidarity between us. I look forward to reading any additional posts you might have on this article.
Brother Paul _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/10/28 11:24 | Profile | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: God's Word Sustains the Inner Man | | Quote:
Gods grace is given unto us to fight and win the race. .... The victorious life of God is rejuvenated and renewed in our own spirits through prayer. Pray, then, often for this power; ....From the overcoming ocean of God's grace in your life, all the other rivers of life will automatically flow: rivers of ministry to bless others; rivers compassion for the small and weak; rivers of gentleness and humility toward your neighbor; and rivers of unfeigned love for a lost world.
The exact definition of Grace that Jesus bought to this earth is not something that we do not deserve. Even forgiveness of Sins is something we do not deserve. Even God's love we do not deserve, even this life on earth we do not deserve. So can they all be called Grace that Jesus bought to this earth? No, because they existed even before Jesus came to this earth.
The exact definition of Grace as discussed in this article is Power. Grace that Jesus bought to this earth is power to live a victorious life. Power to life a life pleasing to God . Which was impossible in old covenant to live a life pleasing God 100% of time.
Perhaps you have been taught that full victory over the lusts of the heart, over anger and critical thinking is not possible in this life, but I want to tell you in Jesus Name that victory is assured if you can but lay hold of Gods New Covenant promise through faith.
The scripture says that we will be exactly Christlike only when we see him face to face. But that does not mean that we will keep living in Sin till he comes. This is a misunderstanding that many believers or even preachers have and that is why there is so much false teaching in today's Christiandom that we will keep sinning as long as we live in this world.
The sins that we know as Sins are the ones that we can over come by the grace. The more we overcome the more we will get light in our life on our sinful nature. But if we keep living in already known sins to us then how will God show us the unknown sins. It is like a Child learning addition in Mathematics. Does that mean the Child is a mathematician now? NO, the Child has to now learn Subtraction and Multiplication as well. But how can someone teach a Child Multiplication if he has not learnt Addition? This is the problem with many believers, we keep falling in same known sin and that is why God is not able to show us more in our life.
Victory, however, does not mean that there will not be a struggle. You will still fight the flesh and devil every day, but you will begin to battle them from inside the strength of God and gain the victory through the power of grace.
True, Jesus promised us that in this world we will have temptations. So as long as we live in this world or inside this Adamic flesh, we will have temptations. But the more we resist them they will get weaker and weaker. Every single Temptation is like magnet the more we move away from them towards Jesus the more they get weaker to attract us. But the more we walk in our Christian life, we get to know newer Sins and as we fight to overcome them, they become new temptations. _________________ Sreeram
| 2012/10/29 12:22 | Profile | PaulWest Member
Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
The exact definition of Grace that Jesus bought to this earth is not something that we do not deserve. Even forgiveness of Sins is something we do not deserve. Even God's love we do not deserve, even this life on earth we do not deserve. So can they all be called Grace that Jesus bought to this earth? No, because they existed even before Jesus came to this earth.
That's right. Forgiveness of "all" our sin was already exhibited by God in the OT, as well as total healing from "all" our diseases (Psalm 103:3). Forgiveness of sin and health was not the reason Jesus came to the earth, as these blessings were available thousands of years before His advent. What men did not have was "deliverance" from the power of sin! Nobody had this before Christ. This was what the blood through stripes of Christ came to heal. True grace is not undeserved merit or favor, but the power which makes men free from the bondage of impure lusts, greed, anger, covetousness, fear. Approaching the "throne of grace" through the shed blood is the means by which we acquire this power via faith in our time of need. We need grace!
The sins that we know as Sins are the ones that we can over come by the grace. The more we overcome the more we will get light in our life on our sinful nature. But if we keep living in already known sins to us then how will God show us the unknown sins. It is like a Child learning addition in Mathematics. Does that mean the Child is a mathematician now? NO, the Child has to now learn Subtraction and Multiplication as well. But how can someone teach a Child Multiplication if he has not learnt Addition? This is the problem with many believers, we keep falling in same known sin and that is why God is not able to show us more in our life.
Amen. Light obeyed is wisdom conveyed. The way to get more light is to obey the light you currently have. We are to be ever-increasing luminaries of the light of Christ in this dark world. Our light should always be growing and growing. This is why it is unwise to make carnal judgments of other men based upon the measure of our own light. We are all at different levels working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Shall I expect God to work in less mature believers that which has taken him years to effectuate in others who have been given more light through their own obedience?
True, Jesus promised us that in this world we will have temptations. So as long as we live in this world or inside this Adamic flesh, we will have temptations. But the more we resist them they will get weaker and weaker. Every single Temptation is like magnet the more we move away from them towards Jesus the more they get weaker to attract us. But the more we walk in our Christian life, we get to know newer Sins and as we fight to overcome them, they become new temptations.
Amen, the fight never ends. The enemy just becomes more advanced in his strategies. The math becomes harder. But as our light of understanding increases, the grace to do battle and win the victory corresponds and is all-sufficient.
Brother Paul
_________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2012/11/3 15:46 | Profile |