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 12th Sermon Index Prayer Call, Sunday 9/16

Announcing Sermon Index prayer call tomorrow night. Lord willing Brother Frank McElvaney will lead off tomorrow night. Time of call is 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. U S callers please call in on 209.255.1000. Access code for both numbers is 109083#.

Lord willing we will lift up the Sermon Index conference in prayer. Also, Lord willing, pray for God to awaken the body of Christ to upcoming persecution. That being the body of Christ in N. America.

All are invited.


 2012/9/15 9:52

 Re: 12th Sermon Index Prayer Call, Sunday 9/16

Bringing call back on board. Call info in previous post.


 2012/9/15 11:46

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: 12th Sermon Index Prayer Call, Sunday 9/16

I will try and make it brother!! I am reduced to setting the alarm on my phone to remind me of many things!!! lol

God bless,


 2012/9/15 14:05Profile

 Re: Lysa

Hope to hear your voice tomorrow night. Will pray the Holy Spirit remind you also. (That is if the alarm does not work).......chuckle.


 2012/9/15 23:03

 Re: Gentle Reminder

Prayer call tonight with Brother Frank leading off. All are invited. Call info at beginning of thread.


 2012/9/16 8:18


I am looking forward to sharing..........bro Frank

 2012/9/16 12:27


Brother looking forward to what God will have you share tonight.

Breaux Bear.

 2012/9/16 17:30


prayer call beginning, the second number is the usa number........bro Frank

 2012/9/16 21:05

 Re: 12th Sermon Index Prayer Call, Sunday 9/16

called in too late. How did it go?

 2012/9/16 23:57

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Although the message was quite serious, it was wonderful to be able to dial in and listen to the hearts of everyone tonight. (Unfortunately, I had to mute my mic because of noise in the background of my environment.)



Mike Compton

 2012/9/17 0:38Profile

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