Please prayer for my friend who is addicted to alcohol and pills. She is in an unhealthy relationship with a man who is the father of her child who also drinks and who is verbally, emotionally and sometimes physically abusive to her. He tries to prevent her from having contact with her family and friends. He tells her not to go to church because "those church folks" can't be trusted". He showers her with gifts and money anytime she appears to be gaining self-confidence and making her own decisions. This causes her to revert to "obeying" what he wants. He cheats on her, belittles her in public, and touches her inappropriately in public and in front of their child. When she gets a job, he constantly calls to check up on her...doesn't believe she is working late, wondering who she has talked to, refusing to help the child with homework or take the child to an after-school activity. Sometimes he doesn't even feed the child while she is at work. She then quits the job to take care of the child and be at home. For the last six months, she is drinking and taking pills more and more. She is not even able to function properly to take care of the child like she should. She is having intestinal burning, shakes, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and poor hygiene. I tried to get her into a treatment facility for substance abuse, but she adamantly stated that she could not go to a place that was far from her child's father. She preferred to stay in the same area. There are no treatment facilities in her immediate area and she said the one 60 miles away was too far. She is one of the smartest and talented people I know. She used to sing in the church choir and conduct workshops with the youth. Now she isolates and drinks. I know God is able to deliver my friend from alcoholism, depression, abuse, etc. Please join me in praying for her deliverance and healing and for her to recognize that she has a problem(s). Her child needs his mom healthy. Thank you so much.
I'm so sorry.....I will pray for your friend...
Thank you so much.
for gods glory let it be that he convicts an sets her free
God is MORE THAN ABLE!! Prayers sent.
Wow, you just described my sisters situation.My sister knows the way too. She was a teacher in Church and got mixed up in the vodka and defends it and blames everything else for her ills. And her boyfriend tends to her children but when he gets plastered he runs her down terrible.I will pray for your sister and also for her boyfriend that he finds salvation and especially for the little one that has to bear all this garbage from the adults, such a young and innocent mind hearing and observing this wicked stuff.Dear God help this family, this broken family........
Thanks so much. The son is adorable and it is a shame that he has to witness the chaos. He loves his mom and tries to take care of her when she is in the drunken stupor. It is heartbreaking and sad, but I'm still believing and trusting God for a breakthrough.