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Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL

 Intercession and why it is instituted- why does it work?

This morning I was reading a chapter out of the book 'Intercessor' and I began to wonder about something. The whole intent and thought behind intercession. Why is it that God uses intercession to battle in the Spiritual realm? In the book Rees talks about using the laws of the Sermon on the Mount to get his life right and as he would do so each day the battle in the spiritual became mighty and winning yet It caused me to wonder - why does an intercessor with a 'holy' life cause battles to be fought and won? It almost seems as if God can do nothing in war without someone praying for someone else and being 'right' with God. Is this because of the nature of sin and a sinner praying for another sinner to God and as a result God answers the prayers and even directs sinner to pray for others so He can work?

A liberal would see this as a weak attribute of God.

Let's talk........



 2012/9/13 10:22Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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