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Joined: 2011/10/19
Posts: 112
Georgia, USA

 Youcef Nadarkhani Has Been Freed!

Below are the details from the American Center for Law and Justice.

Today marks a day of celebration. After languishing in prison for almost three years, under the threat of execution for his faith, Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been released from prison and acquitted of his apostasy charge.

Pastor Youcef had been summoned to appear before the court this morning for the charges brought against him. His hearing lasted almost six hours. But in the end, he was released and able to return home to his family.

Some of our sources close to the case report that the court acquitted him of apostasy, but charged and convicted him of evangelizing to Muslims. According to these same sources, the court sentenced Pastor Youcef to three years in prison and granted him time served, which means his prison sentence already has been completed.

Your prayers, your advocacy, and your voice has been heard. Please continue to pray for Pastor Youcef’s safety. Please join us for 48 Hours for Religious Freedom on September 21-22, 2012, for the numerous other Christians persecuted in Iran. As more facts come out about the release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, we will keep you posted.

Praise God! Let's keep him in our prayers.

Ryan Rutan

 2012/9/8 11:26Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Youcef Nadarkhani Has Been Freed!

Today marks a day of celebration. After languishing in prison for almost three years, under the threat of execution for his faith, Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been released from prison and acquitted of his apostasy charge.

Praise the Lord.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/9/8 11:31Profile


Praise God if this is true. I would urge continual prayer and caution. This is Iran we are talking about.


 2012/9/8 12:37


It appears FOX News is treating this as a credible report. So PRAISE GOD and HALLELUJAH to the Lamb that was slain. God is still setting the captives free.

Glorious King of kings and Lord of lords. We give you the Praise, Honor and Glory. For truly you are the One who reigns over Iran. Thank you that you have set our brother free. Continue to use him in your kingdom workin Iran. Continue to advance your kingdom purposes in Iran. Continue to build your church in Iran through the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory. In the Name of your Son Jesus. Hallelujah and Hallelujah!!!!


 2012/9/8 13:35

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


I have been in prayer for this man and his family and I give thanks unto the LORD that he has been released.

God bless

 2012/9/8 14:38Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185

 Re: Youcef Nadarkhani Has Been Freed!


We thank you and praise you for keepin our brother during his imprisoment. We thank you Lord for your grace, and for the witness of this man before the whole world. We thank you Lord for the prayers of all of the saints and for all of those agencies that worked tirelessly to have our brother released. We pray for all of our brothers and sisters that are incarcarated for their faith in you and pray that their faith would fail not. Give them grace to edure and keep them under the shadow of your wings. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!!


 2012/9/8 15:00Profile

Joined: 2008/5/23
Posts: 632
Monroe, LA - USA

 Re: Youcef Nadarkhani Has Been Freed!

GLORY TO GOD! THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER! God has a reason that he allowed this one to go free. Many more are daily giving their lives that we never hear about. May God continue to strengthen the persecuted church around the earth!

Michael Strickland

 2012/9/8 23:15Profile

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