Marvelous testamony. Gets ne fired up ti read tve Bibke.Breaux Besr
Hi Bear you recommended Keith Daniels and Hans Waldvogel excellant recommendations a couple of true Bible Believers.
I must make confession that despite what my mind (or heart) desires, I have not always read the bible every day. The conflict of teaching about law vs. grace does not help in this matter - that many people would quote the old testament where they studied the law every night and day...That aside, I fix my mind on the things above, and I do desire to read more - in fact, this thread has challenged me to get off this computer, and go read.Why did I not say to go to an online bible? Simple - the internet has a seriously short attention span - I would go off, try to understand a passage using other resources. I prefer my NASB without any study notes. If something does come up, and it is still in my mind at the end of reading, then will I study the word in more depth.I do not know enough of the word. That is to my shame, and the signs of this world provoke me to have as much of the word in my mind lest someone deem the bible illegal in this country. As the persecuted in NK or China or wherever would earnestly desire but a page of the word.I found this article a few days ago: [url][/url]. The article on which this thread is based is very similar, and in some ways, I am sure this will only increase. Let us be challenged, brothers and sisters, that we may know God's word from whatever source (online, print, app, etc) in such a way that if a time should come, that word is in our hearts and able to sustain.
... cont'dWhat did I see in my Twitter feed this very day?"Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive reading." ~ J.C. Ryle :)
I am reminded of this quotation by John Bunyon." Read and read again, and do not despair of help, to understand the will and mind of God though you think they are locked up from you. Neither trouble your heads though you have not commentaries or expositions. Pray and read, and read and pray; for a little from God is better than a whole lot from men."It was said the only library Bunyon ever knew was his Bible. Others have said if you cut Bunyon he would bleed scripture. Some have rightly observed Bunyon was Biblene. When I visited Bedford, England where Bunyon was born. I was struck that any statue or picture of him showed him holding a little book. One would gleam the book was the Bible.Based upon the above quote it would seem Bunyon would tell us to read our Bibles in an attitude of prayer and let the Holy Spirit teach us. For surely a little from God is better than a whole lot from men.Breaux Bear.
I remember reading an account by John MacArthur where he was shown a an actual martyrs Bible. This was an old English Bible. Could have been one of Tyndale's illegal New Testaments. What struck MacArthur was the use of this Bible. The pages were worn and tear stained. Suggesting much use. The precious saint that owned this Bible was martyred. This Bible had been dipped into that saints blood as an insult. Later these Bibles were valued as prized possessions.How well used are our Bibles?Breaux Bear.