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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Most churchgoers don't read Bible daily

While the majority of churchgoers desire to honor Christ with their lives and even profess to think on biblical truths, a recent study found few actually engage in personal reading and study of the Scriptures.

The survey found 90 percent of churchgoers agree that "I desire to please and honor Jesus in all I do," and 59 percent agree with the statement: "Throughout the day I find myself thinking about biblical truths." While the majority agree with both statements, there is a significant difference in the strength of agreement. Nearly two-thirds of churchgoers (64 percent) strongly agree with the first statement, but only 20 percent strongly agree with the second.
However, when asked how often they personally (not as part of a church worship service) read the Bible:

-- 19 percent respond "every day." ...

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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/9/7 11:23Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422

 Re: Most churchgoers don't read Bible daily

I don't read my physical Bible everyday either, but I do read a lot of God's word in devotionals and on SI. The word of God is the word of God, even if it's written on a bathroom wall, the effect will always be the same, if the person reading it chooses to process it.


 2012/9/7 11:59Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: Most churchgoers don't read Bible daily

Hi Greg,

I visited a congregation earlier this year where I noticed that no one was even carrying their Bibles into the building. I assumed that many of them might simply use a Bible app on their phones. However, during the message, I noticed that no one was holding a phone, e-reader or physical Bible.

While some of the passages were featured on the screen in front, no one "verified" them or looked up the passages that weren't included on the screen. No one looked to see if the passages were used in proper context.

I have been to other churches where long-time members didn't know if certain books (e.g. Ephesians or Psalms) was in the Old or New Testament.

In these times, I don't think that there is anything more important than to read the Word of God and spend time with Him in our prayer closets. Yet, I know individuals who pay very little attention to the Word. It is as though their only study of God's Word comes from what they hear in Church...which is shockingly limited in many congregations nowadays.

I also know believers who have never read the Word of God even once through after having been a believer for years. I know individuals who pray so very little too. In a day in which some people in this world are waging war on the teachings of Christ, it is vital for people to wear the FULL armor of God and who can properly take up that "sWord."

I am also reminded by something that David Wilkerson mentioned in a few of his messages (including HOLY GROUND featured here on SermonIndex). He said that he spoke at one of the larger congregations in America. After the meeting, the pastor and his wife went out to eat with Brother David. The pastor's wife was prompting him to say something, but he was holding back. Finally, the wife told him, "If you don't tell him, I will."

Brother Wilkerson's first thought was that there might be some undisclosed sin. The pastor eventually confessed that he had not prayed for years. Sure, the congregation was growing, he had been preaching and administrating and even "leading people to Jesus." Yet, he said that he was dying inside.

If we aren't careful, we can become just as "dead inside" as that pastor or a person who has lost his "first love." So, it is vital to stay in God's Word and prayer. We should be meditating on it day and night! I often think of a line from an old Keith Green song (Song for Josiah) in which he tells his son,

"My son, I am weak and I'm trembling
For the Lord I am always remembering."

There is no greater heritage that we can leave our wife, children, family, neighbors or friends than an appreciation of God's Word. We should take the principle from the Old Covenant to heart:


Deuteronomy 6:6-9

6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

We are blessed in a day in which we can own multiple Bibles in multiple languages. We even have them on our phones. We have multiple Bibles, bibles in multiple languages, study aids, Bible dictionaries, commentaries, concordances, audio Bibles, etc... Yet, we often don't take advantage of all of these "gifts" (or "talents") that we have been blessed with.

I fear that many in this generation of believers are "burying" the talents that we have been given (Matthew 25:14-30). We are instructed by God to make the most of the time -- redeeming the time -- because the days are evil.

Thank you for this timely reminder, Greg! May the Lord help us to love His Word and long to know it!


 2012/9/7 12:42Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


ccchhhrrriiisss. great post! I would personally just never limit the "living word" of God to any particular version, or limit it's value to a Church bldg. Moses wrote the 10 commandments on a stone tablet, were the 10 commandments value any lesser because of their version, or the content they were written on, or the place were they were read?
Each scripture ministers to each of us differently, we can't stereotype it, and also we must think outside the box, that most scripture is deeper than some of us read it, it also sets examples in most cases. Moses...10 commandments...stone tablets..= example.

Had to come back and edit for some reason I keep getting kicked off SI.


 2012/9/7 13:23Profile


Jesus reminds us that man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the moth of God. Just as there is a physical life so there is a spiritual life. Just as the physical life is sustained by physical food. So the spiritual life has to be sustained by spiritual food. In this case the spiritual food is the word of God.

What happens when one does not eat physically. They become weak, sick, and eventuly die. So what happens when one does not eat spiritually. They become weak, sick, and die. Thus us the reason so many Christians subcomb to sin. As Keith Daniels quoted from one if his mentors. Sin will keep you away from the Bible or the Bible will jkep you away from sin.

I know this is basic 101. But a football coach by the name of Vince Lombardie used to tell his team. Men it us time to get back to basics. This is a football. I might add by sticking with the basics this coach always had a winning season.

Ae can alwsys win against the evil one if ae know the scriptures. In the temptations of Jesus, he met Satan's temptations by saying It is written.

John tells the young men. You are strong because the word of God lives in you. And you have overcome the evil one. Again we can not win against thee Eevil without the word in us.


 2012/9/7 14:26

Joined: 2008/2/15
Posts: 205
New York

 Re: Most churchgoers don't read Bible daily

This article is a sad commentary on the state of the church. No wonder so much of the church is weak in this desperate hour. No daily manna – no growth – no victory; quite sad.

Ccchhhrrriiisss – good post.
There is no substitute for the Word of God!
Just the straight Scriptures – not a devotional or commentary or anything else. Those are all nice and helpful at times; but remember they are man’s thoughts and opinions.

Stick to God’s word daily. There is no excuse for someone to spend hours browsing the Internet and not have time to read the Holy Scriptures.
Just you, a humble obedient heart, God’s Word and the Holy Spirit = that spells growth to me.

 2012/9/7 15:16Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422


iceman9...There is no excuse for someone to spend hours browsing the Internet and not have time to read the Holy Scriptures.

I really don't understand what you said above. Just because some folks browse the internet, don't mean they don't spend time reading the Holy Scriptures. The internet, this is were a lot of folks read the Holy Scriptures, because not all have Bibles. Here we go again, thinking everyone should be like us,I would like to see someone argue with Jesus were scripture should be read, my guess is he would said wherever available. I guess John 3:16 looses it's value when written on the internet or maybe on a sidewalk, or in a jail cell.


 2012/9/7 15:36Profile


Bill I do not believe Iceman was judging anyone who read the scriptures off the internet. Or saying one could not browse the internet such as coming on SI. I got the impression he was talking about how much time people waste ob facebook, Twitter, internent at the expense of reading the scriptures. I might also add time wasted watching TV, playing sports, hunting, fishing, three wheeling, stock car racing, and so forth. (I live in Ark..). It is sad to see the wasted time Christians spend on frivolous stuff.

I know men who will set time aside to see a Razorback game. But come up with every kind of excuse for why they cannot get time in God's word.

Just my thoughts.


 2012/9/7 16:01

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, the bible is a love letter from Jesus to me.if it is a duty or a law than it is wrong. you get no points for reading the do not impress God by reading wonderful as it is; we cannot be legalistic about this or prayer or giving for all things come from Jesus and His grace and mercy.jimpthe Holy Spirit must reveal
these things to folks.

 2012/9/7 16:30Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057


by jimp on 2012/9/7 10:30:49

hi, the bible is a love letter from Jesus to me.if it is a duty or a law than it is wrong. you get no points for reading the do not impress God by reading wonderful as it is; we cannot be legalistic about this or prayer or giving for all things come from Jesus and His grace and mercy.jimpthe Holy Spirit must reveal
these things to folks.


What an awesome way to think of the WORD, HIS love letter to me...

I have often thought of the BIBLE as an invitation. The words are filled with life and the giver of life is inviting me to come spend time with HIM and get to know HIM. JESUS is a person and HE longs to have relationship with us, HE longs to spend time with us. Sometimes that is in prayer, sometimes that is in hearing a sermon, sometimes that is in reading the Word, and sometimes that is in sitting at my window staring at the stars at night and just praising and giving thanks unto HIM!!

What an awesome GOD we serve...that HE loves us so much that HE shares all these things with us. What a privilege to be able to get to know our most HOLY LORD JESUS!

Thank you jimp for sharing such a lovely thought here today. Made me smile :)

God bless

 2012/9/7 16:45Profile

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