Saints posting the next Sermon Index prayer conference call for this coming Sunday eve. As of yet no one scheduled to lead call off. But last week, despite no one leading off, the Spirit showed up. We had a marvelous time of prayer for the conference. Will advise if God provides for someone to lead off.But Lord willing, we will convene to pray. Time of call is 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST. US callers, please call in on 209.255.1000. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. Access code for both numbers 109083#.Saints we are pressing into the home stretch here. The conference is less than a month away. I know many have been lifting this strategic conference up in prayer in your closets. But if you can please come on one of the con calls in Sept. and agree God will show up in Atlanta GA.For his cause.Bearmaster.
Reposting call to board. Call info below.
Saints, Lord Willing, Greg Gordon, will lead off on this Sunday night con call. He will come on and share current conference high lights for prayer. If you can please come and listen and pray for the conference.Call info at beginning of this thread.Bearmaster.
Reposting call on board. Lord willing Greg will share latest updates on conference tomorrow night. Call info at beginning of thread.Bearmaster.
Looking forward to sharing briefly and praying with the saints.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Reposting call on board. Call info at front of thread.Bearmaster.
Bringing call back to board. Lord willing. Greg Gordon will share tonight. Call info at front of thread.Bearmaster.
But Lord willing, we will convene to pray. Time of call is 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST. US callers, please call in on 209.255.1000. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. Access code for both numbers 109083#.
God willing the call is live in 20 minutes: Time of call is 9pm EST, 8pm CST, 7pm MST, 6pm PST. US callers, please call in on 209.255.1000. Canadian callers please call in on 559.670.1000. Access code for both numbers 109083#.I hope to hear many saints praying on there, may God meet with us in a special way.