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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

  The Voice of the Holy Spirit by A.W. Tozer

 The Voice of the Holy Spirit by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Holy Spirit
Scripture(s): John 16:7-11,Revelation 6-7,Revelation 22:17  
Description: Though this world is a lost world, it is not forsaken. Throughout the Bible, we are called to come to God and the most distinguishable voice we hear is that of the Holy Spirit. What does He say? Why is He called “the Comforter?” And what does it mean to be filled with the Holy Ghost?

COSTLY GRACE  (July 09/2012)
Reviewed by: Benton75
A clear call to what has been desperately needed in the church as a whole, costly grace.

 A+ as usual..  (July 04/2006)
Reviewed by: wsbg
Keeping with his tradition of quality in sermons, A.W. Tozer preaches on the Holy Spirit's acts.

 2012/8/29 5:52Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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