The Lord has dealt harshly with me the last day or so and I don't know why exactly. But He's speaking to me right now and blessing me a little. I just get all out of it when He distances Himself from me.prayer request: when I return to Him I wont go back to being wierdly religious but genuine/authentic. Sometimes I start speaking bible words in counsel when I should be quiet or just express compassion--this causes me to get 'wierd'. I know many of you are genuine saints here and I know God hear's genuine saints prayers. I want to be a genuine saint too.Bless you guys!
Not sure what you mean, Noah, about being weird, but I will pray...that He Who has begun a good work in you will complete it...
when i try to teach others the Bible without God's will I get wierd spirits that come upon me making me act like a false christian, etc. wierd. hard to explain. I don't know what to do because I don't have anything of value in my old self so all i have to offer people is my knowledge of bible/God/etc. I cling to that when I talk with people to the point of being overly-religious.
I will pray for you, NoahJD!Yet, I am very impressed with your ability to detect and rebuke such a subtle attack upon your spirit.You wrote:"I don't know what to do because I don't have anything of value in my old self so all i have to offer people is my knowledge of bible/God/etc. I cling to that when I talk with people to the point of being overly-religious."There - there, NoahJD! Christ abides in you in both Spirit and Word. You have that to offer. You have Christ to offer!!!But, I know what you mean. To prevent this "religious spirit" from surfacing, I have made it a mantra almost as automatic as breathing to pause before any utterance or other form of self-expression with the prayer: "Lord not my will, but Thine will be done" and/or "Christ in me, me in Thee, the hope of glory" - THEN I'll commence with any form of self-expression. Self expressed through Him. Christ using me to express Himself. An ever-present acknowledgement of the new covenant and perpetual submission of my will to the Lord's is the only confidence I have to express anything. The "old self" is no longer an option - a dead and gone man which has no place in my life. I wouldn't recognize her if I saw her walking down the street. The new covenant makes sure of this. This is also why I absolutely have to stay in God's Word daily. The Lord blesses me by making fellowship with His Word an utterly joyous occasion.Overall, NoahJD, I will pray for you the same prayer I offer up regarding my"self" - that the Father continue to use us to represent the nature of His Son. Isn't that awesome!Finally, I have read your posts and you've never, ever come across as weird or as that which you describe above. Stop being so hard on yourself. It is so obvious that you belong to the Lord, NoahJD.Love-in-Christ,KP