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Joined: 2011/10/21
Posts: 154
Owasso, OK

 PLEASE PRAY - Not Much Time - Bob Jennings

Not Much Time
by Bob Jennings

(*Below is from brother Bob Jennings. Bob is near death, unless of course the Lord sees otherwise. Below is from his most recent blog. If you wish to hear some of his preaching, you can youtube or google his name. His blog is here: I also highly recommend watching this as well:

"Yesterday to Menorah Hospital in KC: Into the 2nd day of fever and chills, the GI doctor advised Terri and me to get over, especially with the weekend coming on. The blood work showed something was not right.

ERCP procedure: We gave the ok on another throat job which revealed, 1) the stent was not clogged, 2) the pancreas tumor had grown back already, 3) the cancer in the liver, the pancreas tumor, and the water retention were blocking the bile duct and intestines, and 4) the duodenal burn from the radiation had healed. So there was one good point.

Extension: Also, he put in a stent extension to keep the bile duct open better. Also, he gave me water pills which will help the swelling everywhere, at least for a while. I have never been so weak, sick, and pained, as since last Wed. night. I am now regaining strength and stability.

Time: The doctor said, "You don't have much more time – weeks. If I were in your shoes, I would have made the same decisions, for conventional medicine has not seen the success you have had." I thanked him greatly for his help, and I told him of my salvation in Christ, and that heaven is all right. He listened intently.

Eternity: It is strange to look into a man's eyes, knowing I'll likely not see him again until the Judgment Day. It is strange, so terribly ironic and real that because of Christ I was ultimately in an infinitely better way than he was. If it is well with the soul, it will be well with the body in the end. And there is an end here. The world will end. Christ will judge. Christ will reward. Christ will get the long-awaited glory. The resurrection, immortality, heaven, home, being with the Lord Jesus – this is it, this is all, this is crucial. I'm very thankful to be redeemed by faith in His precious blood, His death for me. My sincere love to you all! It is time to go to sleep."


Jeremy B Strang

 2012/8/26 5:07Profile

 Re: PLEASE PRAY - Not Much Time - Bob Jennings

very blessed by the dignity and humility of this brother as he faces eternity. Thank you for sharing. I will pray for him and his family.

 2012/8/26 22:43

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Thank you for sharing this brother, a previous post he wrote:

Meditation: Worthy

Christ is so outstanding, prominent, preeminent, incomparable, and worthy. Philip Schaff (1819 – 1893) spoke of Christ so well: “His zeal never degenerated into passion or rashness, nor his constancy into obstinacy, nor his benevolence into weakness, nor his tenderness into sentimentality. He is justly compared with the lion in strength, and with the lamb in meekness. He was the most effective and yet the least noisy, the most radical and yet the most conservative, calm, and patient, of all reformers. He came to fulfill every letter of the old law, yet he made all things new. And yet this Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Mohammed, and Napoleon; without science and learning, he shed more light on things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, he spoke words of life such as never were spoken before or since, and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, he has set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and sweet songs of praise, than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times.” In the end, all creation cries, “Worthy is the Lamb” (Revelation 5:12). For us here and now, the call is death to self and all to Christ. He is worthy, worthy of our all. We will be ashamed of anything less.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/8/26 22:46Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458

 Re: PLEASE PRAY - Not Much Time - Bob Jennings

Please can you tell me how brother Bob is doing at the moment?


 2012/9/3 7:54Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: PLEASE PRAY - Not Much Time - Bob Jennings


"Eternity: It is strange to look into a man's eyes, knowing I'll likely not see him again until the Judgment Day. It is strange, so terribly ironic and real that because of Christ I was ultimately in an infinitely better way than he was. If it is well with the soul, it will be well with the body in the end. And there is an end here. The world will end. Christ will judge. Christ will reward. Christ will get the long-awaited glory. The resurrection, immortality, heaven, home, being with the Lord Jesus – this is it, this is all, this is crucial. I'm very thankful to be redeemed by faith in His precious blood, His death for me. My sincere love to you all! It is time to go to sleep."

This is precious, is it not?

Sandra Miller

 2012/9/3 8:08Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458


you have to listen to this intervieuw...

on you tube.

"to die in Christ is gain"
Tim Conway intervieuws Bob Jennings.

I was so encouraged by the words of our beloved brother Bob.
Please saints don't forget to pray for Bob!


 2012/9/3 8:24Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


"Eternity: It is strange to look into a man's eyes, knowing I'll likely not see him again until the Judgment Day. . . ."

Dear ginnyrose,

Yes, that passage is deserving to be printed in gold ink.

That thought, expressed in the quote above, will stay with me, Lord willing. It will be wonderful when we all get to Heaven.

white stone


 2012/9/3 11:02Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458


Somebody has an update about brother Bob?

 2012/9/3 13:32Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Dear Browny,

After reading this thread I 'searched' for Bob Jennings and found the link to his Journal

Sadly, there is no update. I read many of the past entries and an deeply touched by his faith in this ordeal. As a wife I am very sympathetic to his wife and family. They are included in my prayers.

I could find nowhere to email to the blog site. There was a place to sign in, perhaps after signing in there is a link for that?

white stone


 2012/9/3 17:32Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458


Dear white stone,

Thanks for your reply sister!

Yes I was on his site as well the other day and could not find any update there, so I asked here if anyone knows more about Bob?..and I am praying for his wife and family as well.

Dear Ginnyrose,

Thank you too for your reply...Yes, PRECIOUS words from a PRECIOUS soul.

Thank you once again thank you sisters! and let's keep them up in our prayers.


 2012/9/4 3:22Profile

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