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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts :  Are we of Christ Jesus?

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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

  Are we of Christ Jesus?

“And those who are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal. 5:24). Are we of Christ Jesus? That is all we need to answer. We do not need to examine whether or not we have any potential. Neither do we need a record or string of victories that we can boast in. Nor do we need to look at our condition to see whether or not we feel like a crucified person. We just need to answer one question: Are we of Christ Jesus? If so, then we have crucified the flesh. Paul says it—If we are of Christ Jesus, then we have crucified the flesh. This means that Christ is our relationship with the flesh. (1800s)


I don't know who wrote this but it really struck my heart. This is a really great question to be asking myself and checking the motivation of my heart on. "Am I of CHRIST JESUS?" If my answer is yes then it doesn't matter how "i" feel...what matters is my relationship with JESUS and HE determines the rest.

God Bless

 2012/8/25 21:03Profile

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