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Joined: 2007/10/28
Posts: 1232
United States

 A quote on the cross....

Christ's cross is the only true key to life. This and this alone unlocks the doors to some of life's greatest mysteries. Other religions try, sometimes with great sincerity, to unlock the doors to these profound mysteries, but they are unsuccessful because they do not have the right key. They do not have a cross. - Selwyn Hughes

1Jn_4:19 We love(bear the cross for) him, because he first loved (bore it for) us.

parenthesis mine.


 2012/8/23 1:15Profile

Joined: 2010/8/30
Posts: 449
Paradise, California

 Re: A quote on the cross....

Hi Sister,

This is a very wonderful thing, the cross. Jesus said to "you know the way to were I am going" to his disciple. It is the blood of the lamb shed on the cross that is the new and living way into the Holy of Holies. I love you very much in the Lord and have been remembering you in my prayers.

In Christ,



 2012/8/23 1:23Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458

 Re: A quote on the cross....

"At the cross at the cross where I laid my burden down!"

Thank you StarofGOD!


 2012/8/23 5:56Profile

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