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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Have miracles ceased?

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 Have miracles ceased?

Does the New Testament teach that miracles have passed away? Does the New Testament teach that tongues, prophesy, healings, signs, and wonders have passed away with the canon of scripture being established?

I think a discussion should be opened up on this. If the New Testament teaches that signs and wonders have ceased. Let's have a discussion.

I believe many in the forum reject miracles. You must have a scriptural warrant. I am not interested in a debate. Many seem to think miracles are of the devil. So let's talk bout it

I am open. If cessionism is scriptural. Then please state your case. If miracles are of the devil and many seem to believe this. Then please show me from scripture that cessionism is valid. But before I say that miracles have ceased I need to see the scriptural position.

I am going to stand down from this thread I will check again in s day or two. But I really want to hear if there is a valid case for cessionism.

Posted by Bearmaster.

 2012/8/21 10:59

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752

 Re: Have miracles ceased?

Miracles have not ceased.

We need to make sure that we tell the difference betweent he real and the fake is all.


 2012/8/21 11:07Profile


Miracles have not ceased.

We need to make sure that we tell the difference betweent he real and the fake is all.

Exactly. I still don't remember anyone on the boards recently saying miracles and the supernatural don't happen these days though...

 2012/8/21 11:11

Joined: 2012/8/8
Posts: 259


its hard to think that this has not been discussed on this forum b4. 'bear' doesnt want to debate but the way this is being presented will result in a debate. its being presented as: "this is what i think, this is what i think others think, i think others are wrong, now sum1 try 2 prove me wrong becuz you cant". and this is a strawman anyway becuz i have never seen any1 say miracles and healing dont happen 2day.

 2012/8/21 13:30Profile

 Re: Re: John MaCarthur

I know John MaCArthur is a faithful expositer of scripture. He has a high regard for the word of God. As I recall he wrote a book entitled The Charismatics. In the book he argues and quite effectively that the sign gifts and miracles have ceased.

I used to hold to a cessionist position. Abandoned it. And now rethinking it. Is MacArthur's position viable? I am still interested what does the New Testament teach n this?

We seem to agree that miracles are seem to be of the evil one. The safest position would be to embrace cessionism again. But seeking for more New Testament scriptures other than what is found in 1 Cor. 13.


 2012/8/21 13:39

 Re: Re: John MaCarthur

I know John MaCArthur is a faithful expisitor of scripture. He has a high regard for the word of God. As I recall he wrote a book entitled The Charismatics. In the book he argues and quite effectively that the sign gifts and miracles have ceased.

But he's wrong. I have yet to see a cessationist come up with any Scripturally faithful, contextual, historical, and exegetical evidence with any merit, but hey, people will want to believe what they want to believe.

In response to "Charismania" he's taken the opposite extreme. Both are wrong.

 2012/8/21 13:43


So Skeptic. I am open. What fo you say? What is your understanding of this. Play ball. Not the man. Dialogue. What do you believe the scriptures teach on this?

Can you not exhibit a Berean spirit and ask what sayith the Lord.


 2012/8/21 13:48

 Re: Ernrsta

But you are speaking of a highly respected teacher of scripture. Certainly there must be some credibility to his position.


 2012/8/21 13:51


But you are speaking of a highly respected teacher of scripture.

I've not slandered him personally, only disagreed with his assertion. He's a good teacher on many things, and I agree with most of the stuff I've seen him say (though I haven't gone much into his writings). On this issue he's mistaken though.

It's almost 3am here, and I don't have the energy tonight to get into it, but I'll come around again tomorrow, or whenever I get the chance.

Play ball. Not the man. Dialogue. What do you believe the scriptures teach on this? Can you not exhibit a Berean spirit and ask what sayith the Lord.

I've noticed you're a bit quick to load other brothers' and sisters' mouths with sentiments and opinions they've not stated. I'll make no issue of it, as it doesn't really bother me, and I'll say no more from this point, but as a friendly admonition to use a bit of caution, sooner or later you're going to run across someone on here who will not like having their intentions dictated back to them inaccurately, and they might not handle it well. I don't think your accusation lines up with what SkepticGuy intended. People are not going to desire dialogue or any Berean searching with you if they think you're going to continue to take their thoughts, words, and ideas out of context and accuse them of things they're not saying/thinking/doing.

Just an observation, bro. Cheers!

 2012/8/21 13:57

Joined: 2012/8/8
Posts: 259


So Skeptic. I am open. What fo you say? What is your understanding of this. Play ball. Not the man. Dialogue. What do you believe the scriptures teach on this?

you seem 2 think i attacked u or sumthing. not a'tall. just thought ur presentation invited debate when u said u did not want to debate. what do i believe the scriptures teach? u are making the assumption i believe the scriptures. if they be true then there is a valid argument to be made for both sides. if they be wrong then it doesnt really matter.

 2012/8/21 14:04Profile

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