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Dear Sister, just now finding your post. Running over to bring Dad dinner now - will be gone until close to 9 pm EST.

I can only receive emails at Dad's on his computer but he doesn't like me to be on it when he's home. He's only gone normally for 6 days per month and just came back yesterday.

I always ask someone to give out my phone # instead.

It's easiest to reach me after 1 pm EST and than again after 9 pm EST. I'm also quite the night-owl - so no hour is too late. Normally I'm up until 3 am. (That's how He's built me and I must admit that's truth.)

If any of those with my # could email it to learn, I'd be most grateful.

In the meantime, the others and I are praying for you, indeed!

With His Great Love for you to be felt tangibly. Amen!

 2012/8/19 16:29


One things for sure, whatever you do go through, you'll come out of it. Watchman Nee called it the Normal Christian Life, and he wasn't kidding.

I guess that is why Paul tells us to comfort the feeble minded.

I am glad he said this because I am part of that crowd, if anyone is feeble minded it's me.

And everyone us have been there at some point, but with each trial (and believe me, we never understand the trials and not know what we learn by them) God makes us stronger and it's always at the end of the project that we see clearly what Paul was talking about looking into that glass darkly, but face to face we see the fullness of the image reflecting back at us, AHA, God was created Christ in us for that is what we see. We see Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith. This is the hope of glory.

Again, we don't see it because our eyes are dim because of the shadow of death all around us, but within that veil of death, God is there. He'll never leave us nor forsake us. It's important that we know that and get that into our spirit man so we can comfort ourselves in the time of our desperation for relief.

My prayer is that you be open to recieve knowledge from the Spirit of God even when that knowledge seems contrary to what you come to know as truth. Allow the Lord to tear down every false image of what we see as truth and let Him establish our hearts in righteous peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Don't rest in our prayers alone, you pray too and as you pray you'll gain strength more and more each day that with the temptation God will make a way for you to endure the trial that your in.

We can rest in Gods' love because love will never fail, it's not possible for it to fail us. If it should fail, then God is not God. But because we know that He is, He is faithful who also will perform His work in you.

Comfort one another with these words.

Be Blessed today.

 2012/8/19 18:51

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Thank you Approved.

Ummm, can someone email me Jesus-is-God's contact number. My email address is in my profile. Thanks.


 2012/8/20 18:32Profile


Thank you!

 2012/8/20 21:06

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Just to inform I have JIG's phone number alredy. Thanks.

JIG, I will only contact if necessary. Thanks so much for your willingness to pray and provide the contact number. Love you will all my heart.


 2012/8/20 22:45Profile


Oh good, Sis.

So blessed to know you're doing good!

His and my love back to you.
You're in a Good place here.

 2012/8/21 0:48

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


I need prayers today. God has already tested me several times today and its as if now He is telling me to ask for prayers. I may be wrong with thinking He's asking me to write this post but I don't think so. Thanks.

post edited for clarity purpose


 2012/8/22 4:26Profile

Joined: 2012/5/7
Posts: 29

 Re: I need prayers today


All good things come from God, please talk to a Preast.


 2012/8/22 9:05Profile


Sis learn, how are you now? I am glad that you will be on the google-group so that you can send prayer requests in that way as well.
I know, for myself, that I have needed to back off of a certain topic because the enemy was using it to oppress and I see that you felt somewhat the same way.
Only GOD has All of the answers and I do know what those answers are in my own life situation and few others do. Only very dear friends that have known me for several yrs.

We're all individuals and GOD through Christ dealt with each individual differently when He walked this earth and He surely does now.
There are no "pat answers" that we can give out that cover everyone.
It would take a "word of knowledge" to know what is going on with each individual and their personal 'why'. And another word from GOD to tell them how to handle it all.
I'm grateful that I had such people in my life 10 yrs ago when my physical trial came and I Thank GOD for that trial - now. I didn't then, because I was Very Active in 'doing-doing' for others and HE wanted me to be still and hear Him and go into a totally different direction of ministry and it worked. Or should I say - HE is the One that is Glorified through this.

I fear when others believe that they have All of the answers on topics as sensitive as what is going on with a person's personal life. The enemy can use their 'pat answers' to oppress ... And as strong as I normally am in Him, the enemy can use even those we looked up to, to speak without knowledge - just as Job's friends oppressed him.

I'm praying for you and if nothing else - I hope that if you're in contact with the Sisters in the email group - that you can share with them.

He Loves you very much and praying these storm clouds will pass and your days be filled with His Son-Light again.

Hugs from here and I'm sure from others as well.
Hang in, Sis and smile whenever you can :)

 2012/8/22 23:12

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


I am doing very badly now. Your prayer is greatly desired.

For a while there I was ok, 'talking' to someone but now am doing badly.


 2012/8/22 23:57Profile

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