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Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458

 Article by by Grant Phillips

This article of Grant Phillips I was reading today...

Bless you all!

It has been said that animals have a sixth sense we humans do not possess. Have you ever watched them just prior to a storm? Watch the birds, for example. They act differently, don't they?

Our neighbor across the street has a fairly large dog that stays outside. They, too, can easily tell if a storm is coming because the dog will whine at the door until they let him in the house.

A storm, of sorts, appears to be on the horizon for this earth. Something is about to happen. Many go about their merry way as if nothing is going to happen or things are going to get better but for those of us who live in the real world, there is an uneasiness that can't be explained.

The Middle East is a powder keg waiting to go off at any time. The Muslim Brotherhood continues to envelop its veil of darkness over falling regimes, replacing dictators with something even worse. Iran is straining at the leash to "wipe Israel off the map." Israel stands guard, hoping they don't wait too long to deter Iran's immediate desire. Like a wolf after its prey, Russia inches ever closer to Israel's backyard, longing for their newly discovered black gold. China longingly looks in the same direction sniffing the wind.

The world-wide economy is like a balloon about to burst. Economists are scratching their heads wondering why the United States has not already imploded, and certain that it is only a matter of time until it does. Even though Obama says "the private sector is doing fine," the common man knows better.

Depravity is so widespread it makes one dizzy to behold the effect it is having upon the populace. Homosexuality is having an unbelievable success rate of acceptance, even by church groups. Half the population is living together in sin without the benefit of marriage. Violent, sadistic murders are increasing at an alarming speed. Lying and theft are commonplace.

From Europe, to England, to the United States, where some of the most loyal of God's followers preached and wrote in years gone by, God has been cleaned and sanitized from the public mind. He has been booted out of the schools, the public forum, and even the military. The name of Jesus, the Son of God, has been mocked, vilified, cursed and spat upon, and now His followers, in a once-Christian country, are starting to feel the heat.

In this country, there are no longer any statesmen. We only have politicians -- men and women who couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended upon it. Sadly, there remain far too many who will believe a lie, and so we continue to die as a country. The United States of America, the greatest country this earth has ever beheld, is dying, primarily because of greed.

England once reigned upon the earth in such a way that the sun never set upon her empire, but no more. We now follow her lead.

Capitalizing upon people's plight, wolves have taken over the pulpits of many churches, preaching a get-rich-quick scheme called the prosperity gospel, falsely using the Holy Word of God to fleece the poor and feed their rich appetites. Their putrid faces are often seen on the television and heard on the radio. They post their poison on the Internet and draw in unsuspecting dupes, while the book stores sell their books, making them even richer.

Few seem to have a conscience anymore, and those who do are worried at what they are seeing, worried for the future of their children and grandchildren, because they can see no future worth living.

Could this be the year of our Lord's return? I'm speaking as a Christian, not as a Tribulation saint. Therefore, I am referring to the removal of the Church via an event known as the Rapture.

Before I frighten off those who think I may be getting dangerously close to setting a date for the Rapture by insinuating that it may be this year, take a deep breath and calm down. No one is privy to that information but God. However, God has provided signs for us to read, signs for the Tribulation that follows the Rapture of the Church.

Just as Jesus expected Israel to read the signs of His first coming, He expects us to read the signs of His return. There are two events that must take place before He returns, the Rapture and the Tribulation, in that order. All signs point to the Tribulation. The greatest sign that the Tribulation has begun will be the Rapture. There are no signs for the Rapture. It will happen without warning, in the blink of an eye. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that needs to be done to trigger the Rapture, except one thing -- God the Father will give the nod to the Son to go for His Bride. Could this be the year?

Whether humans do or do not have a sixth sense as do animals, something is clearly working on the psyche of many of us. It is being felt by too many people to be ignored. Something major is about to happen. Even though the majority may not realize it or care, thousands can sense an impending doom, a storm on the horizon.

It's easy to tell when a bad storm is on the way. The temperature changes. A slight breeze starts to rustle among the leaves of the trees. The clouds begin to darken as they roll toward us overhead. In the distance, a sound of thunder, then lightning is seen far off. A drizzle turns into a downpour. The storm is here. The thunder is deafening. The lightning is dangerous. Hopefully, we have already taken shelter.

While dark clouds of judgment begin to form over the earth, the storm is taking shape. The sound of thunder is faintly heard in the distance and gets louder as it draws closer and closer. All the signs of an approaching storm are here. Have you taken shelter?

by Grant Phillips

 2012/7/25 3:31Profile

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