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Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


QUOTE: "You will never find ONE account of a demon being cast out of a believer in the New Testament. NOT EVEN ONE.

You may be oppressed, yes. But needing something cast out of you? No. Unless of course you're not saved, which I don't think is the case. Even then your situation does not sound like anything in the Bible that needs "casting out".

All these Pentecostal so-called "deliverance ministries" are un-Biblical, and you'll just set yourself up for more confusion and/or trouble."==EVERESTOSAMA

I agree 1000%. You are absolutely right Everest. John, you may be OPPRESSED but there is NO biblical basis to think you are POSSESSED.

 2012/6/29 3:47Profile

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


QUOTE: " As some of you might not know my situation, over a year ago i had a back neck injury come out of nowhere and i began to have heavy swelling on my neck area a nd i was out of work for 5 weeks, the Lord miraculously delivered me completely from it one day when i asked him to take the burden from me. Then within a few days i began to feel something attacking my neck area again, not knowing..."==BIBLE4LIFE

Sorry for posting so many times in a row but this post is actually several hours later, as i came back....JOHN, i wonder if what you are experiencing with all the transient pain (that is, pain that moves around from one area of the body to another) may simply be nerve damage or nerve pain. That can happen with nerve pain. You say you feel spirits entering your body. Is it possible it could simply be an experience of sensation traveling along a nerve pathway? After all, you did suffer a back and neck injury. I have a great deal of experience with this type of injury, having suffered it myself and the resulting Fibromyalgia. For many years i was flabbergasted at how the pain would SWITCH from one side of my back to the other for no apparent reason. But that is because of the way the muscles and nerves are all interrelated. At times i ever began to wonder if I had a demon tormenting MY flesh. But i now understand the body better. Nerve pain can travel throughout the body, as when a person has sciatica, a very long nerve in the body, and it can travel from the low back all the way down the leg. Nerves can cause some pretty frightening and bizarre symptoms, which you might be mistaking for demons.

The second thing i want to ask you John, is do you ever try any of the suggestions people here give you? You have been asking for help for a very long time on this issue but do you ever actually take or use any of the advice? I just need to know, and probably so do others.

I would especially encourage you to listen to the people here who tend to be in agreement with each others counsel; the more that are in agreement the better. God could be speaking to you and your problem THROUGH them but you might not be listening. It is written, There is safety in a multitude of counselors. (Proverbs)

Lastly, if you are TRULY saved, there is no way that a demon can enter you. You will not find one single instance in the entire NT of such an occurence and the HOLY GHOST is not going to share His habitation with one.

 2012/6/29 9:46Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Someone once quoted certain phrases that I find very useful.

"pray as if it were up to God and work as if it were up to us"

You have been praying hard, but I don't think you have been working hard enough. By this I mean you need also to see a doctor or doctors and see whether it is due to some physical or emotional problems that you have. Not everything is due to the devil. But the devil will love making things worse especially if we keep thinking that its the devil that cause it.

Bear in mind that people who loves/thinks supernatural things, when something strange happen, they will think 1st that it is something supernatural although there could be perfectly reasonable sane explanation for this. Same goes for those that are always thinking about God, they may think it is always the devil. Same for other types of people too.

Please see some doctors. Borrow $ if you have to. When and if it is confirmed by more than 1 doctor you trust that its not something emotional/physical, then at least you can have a better understanding that it could be demonic.

Then if the above has been ruled out, you can then go to certain pastors that you trust. I know that John MacArthur has ever cast out spirit or at least come face to face with it in a girl before. Do not simply go to any pastor as it can make things worse.

You owe it to GOd and yourself to do the normal doctor things 1st. Having said that, God can take away the pain whether it is caused by our body (physical/emotional) or by the devil. But I would think most of the time, He would want us to try the normal route 1st of seeing a doctor instead of 'casting out'/removing the oppression of the devil.


 2012/6/29 17:13Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


You are focusing too much on the devil and whether this torment/pain is caused by the devil, by focusing on the devil, you are making it worse.

Whenever you can, breathe deeply, slowly, enjoy the flowers, read a good book. Take your focus away from the devil.

Bear in mind, the taking away of this pain is in God's time. It is NOT in your time. So you can pray 24 hours a day but if its not yet time, you are not doing it correctly because you are trying to 'force' God to do it base on your time. Ask God for strength and courage to face it as long as you still have it. Tell your pain that God is bigger than your pain. And go and get yourself check by the doctor. Of course continue to pray.

What have you got to lose except some $ by getting yourself examined. It could be an old injury flaring up that you need to get attended to. Please, you stand to lose more by not at least determining what is the real cause of this pain.

I have a lot of health problems myself and had to do a lot of research on it and am beginning to feel that yours could be a health issue. And I will say 1 thing--I don't give face to the devil. If I think that he might be doing something to me, I ignore him. Makes it harder for him to try to influence/oppress me.

I don't mean to be harsh but feel that someone really have to 'drum' into you the need to be serious in seeing some doctors. And if you are not doing this, please eat properly and get some sun--these things can greatly affect some people and cause health and emotional issues.


 2012/6/29 17:33Profile


Hey guys, the last 3 days have been a little better. Actually two or three weeks ago i bought fish oil and bcomplex for my brain because i sought the Lord fasting 5 days that week and i sought the Lord in prayer like never before and i just didnt get better so i decided to just by myself some vitamins. The problem with me is i have believed the lies of the devil and in doing so have actually made things worse by believing them which has affected my health more and more. My biggest problem is in my mind, but their is also a struggle going in my spirit, i have been struggling with a spirit of laughter for almost 2 years now and when things in my spirit our just not right, their is just something wrong within me. But, as far as what wisdom have i taken and what i havent. I have made efforts in contacting jim logan and other deliverance ministers. They have prayed with me and given me wisdom. I have also learned t spend time in prayer and reading scripture on a more daily basis, even though the lst two weeks i have not everyday because i was overcome so much and got weary. But spending alone time with God i have done and at times i get stronger physically, but the word really has not affected me much spiritually, it is really has been dead most of the time to me, in the sense it is not going int my heart. I also have tried going through confessing every sin, asking forgiveness by Christ and renouncing the sins, many times through almost every sin i can think of. Their have been a few times where i have asked God solely to take the burden off of me because everything else i tried even me taking authority over the devil backfired and everyones efforts seem to not help, that the Lord strengthened me and a few times i thought i was back to normal. I am a very confused person right now, i dont know what to do, i have tried so much, i am sick of being tired and weak and being abused by the devil, but i dont have the strength like i use to.

 2012/7/3 2:53

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


John, i don't blame you for not trusting doctors for this much, but there are SOME things doctors can be useful for and should be sought out for. God is NOT altogether anti-doctor, as SOME Christians mistakenly believe. Luke was a doctor, and was called the beloved physician. It's just that GOD should NOT be the LAST resort. Certainly beware of pillpushers, which most are today, and use discernment at all times but don't rule out going to a doctor to find the cause.

 2012/7/3 7:48Profile


The thing is i have been delivered in the past in some situations when most would have thought i should have got help, God had revealed to me i was under demonic attack a few years back when i started losing my memory out of nowwhere one week, i sought for help a whole week and nothing got better then when i stopped trusting everything else and began just trusting God i was delivered and then it started to come back a few hours later and then that was when the Lord revealed to me i was under demonic attack and i began resisting the devil and by the end of the week they ended up fleeing.I also over the past few years have been attacked with other various attacks on my body and mind, with almost hallucinations in my mind and losing reality of who i was a few years back, to getting attacked almost with blindness, attacked with attacks of fear or depression that i realized was a spirit of fear, not some chemical imbalance, somethings our physical, but many things our spiritual, and i was able to reject the spirit of fear and it left, others would have told me take these meds, though it doesnt sound like it, over the past 5 years i have learned a lot about the spiritual realm. The problem is with this past year i opened the door somewhere and these particular demons i opened the door to are very overpowering, it is possible about the seven spirits coming back into a person to make the state of the person worse before could of happened to me. Just knowing how bad it has been. I am almost 100 percent sure it is demonic, the reason i know that is that i have tried resisting these spirits over the past year many times and even rebuking them and at times i start getting stronger again physically and mentally and then these demons will come back full force and even worse when i fight against them bringing me into worse bondage, that is why i have found myself to have to really as of the last 6 months tried to just rely on God to fight for me because my effort was not working this time. Last year i did not have a prayer life at all, i was not in the word enough, i didnt have the armour of God on completely and i let my guard down.

 2012/7/3 8:26

 Beg God for mercy and His mighty Baptism.

John: It is very difficult to read your posts without paragraphs and punctuation, and they tend to ramble; squeezing ideas into others that is hard to sort out.

My suggestion; Slow down and think out your communication, and relate it in a concise and simple tone. I have compassion for your plight, as we have talked and prayed often.

Jesus said; " Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. "....

...and...."Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."

You must make contact with Jesus, and experience His love. Possibly your doctrine has led you top believe that the Holy Spirit does not manifest Himself; I do not know.

Have you been baptised in the Holy Spirit? Born again from above? Charles Finney, and his struggle, and his mighty baptism of Love he experienced. Many, many here have had the exact same experience; it is not all in the mind, or in the is actually in the Spirit.
I have, and every day experience Him, mostly in mercies. So have many brothers and sisters on this forum. You do not seem to find Him in this way.

I say this as reality, not judgment. You must trust in Him, and you must seek Him; another cannot do it for you, deliver you in faith to salvation. Others may pray that you be healed, but cannot walk your walk.

Have you received a dogmatic teaching that this mighty baptism is not of God, and from the devil? If so, repent , and trust God to give you this gift of the holy Spirit, that all of the apostles, and the multitudes of the early church received.[ I am not talking about speaking in tongues here..]

I do not witness this faith in your desperate posts, though I sympathize with your plight. Do not give up, but consider what I say. My hope for you John.

 2012/7/3 10:03

 Re: Beg God for mercy and His mighty Baptism.

Hey Brothertom. My understanding at least of the baptism of the Holy Spirit was that once you are saved that the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in you and that it is possible the Lord will i increase the power of the Spirit in you with more revelation and strength, that God's spirit is infinite and unsearchable he can fill you with more and more of his Spirit. I have never experienced the baptism that you talk about, but am open to the real baptism not the one i have seen that produces people being supposedly slain in the spirit where they run around in circles out of control and speak in tongues in the congregation without an interpreter, or the supposed holy laughter. I dont think that is of the Lord. Some of the words of knowledge people get our simply not words of knowledge they are from either themselves or a false spirit. I on different occasions have had even a very sincere believer tell me my wife was getting a new job in two weeks and that never happened. Also i had a deliver minister say that what he was getting from the Lord was that i had a spirit of constipation, i was like okay that was not from the Lord. I even have gone to the international house of prayer where they were giving the weirdest words of knowledge about a kid with a fishing pole fishing and something about a young kid on skateboard, all off that is just not of the Lord. I truly believe their is a real baptism of the Holy Spirit, but it is not what we see in a lot of churches today and with the word of faith movement. I think a lot of it is just emotion caused by ourselves. That is just my opinion, i am very skeptical though seeing what i have seen or heard. What i hear about in John Wesley's time that sounds more real to me with people who fell to the ground unconscious because of conviction of sin.I have seen and been around a brother who was very strong in the spirit, but it produced great joy, righteousness, love for God and a love for others, and repentance, i believe that was real, he reminded of the early church by the way he lived and just how he was.But i do think their is a real baptism of the Spirit, just not the one that focuses on just speaking in tongues and the gifts that seems more self centered than God centered.

 2012/7/3 15:54

Joined: 2006/4/23
Posts: 101
West Sussex, England

 Re: tormented by demons need urgent prayer

Dear Bible4Life,

If I may tell you what happened to me regarding demonic interference, I hope it might help you.

It was because of demonic oppression that I came to know Christ and His salvation. The oppression continued for years in my Christian life. Many people spent hours and hours trying to 'cast out' demons. It did not do me any good. Pentecostal churches tend to be into 'demons' and eventually I decided to leave that kind of denomination.

I then decided to give up trying to get rid of 'them' and left it to God. After that I became extremely immersed in the bible and found some good internet teachers who were true to the Bible and a group of believers who taught the whole counsel of God.

As I carried on, month after month and year after year, in this fashion, I discovered that light was coming in more and more and darkness was becoming less and less, and as my knowledge of God and Jesus began to grow, I found myself trusting Him. It really is about knowing Him and trusting Him with your life. If He has not already, He will show you the great love He has for you, and let you know that by trusting Him, your future will be in His hands, not yours, no matter what is going on. (Psalm 34 comes to mind.)

I also began to learn how to control my thoughts and discover which ones were not of me, but the enemy. Today, if an attack comes (infrequently), similar to the ones I used to get I can just ignore it or laugh at it and it really does flee, as the bible says. Turn your eyes toward Jesus.

I believe you have received some very good advice on this forum, especially that about seeing a doctor. If you can just stop struggling, then that will make a way for God to come in and make your salvation sure and your faith strong. For me it was not an overnight thing, though that was what I was desperately seeking.

God knows everything you are going through, but I believe it is necessary to stop struggling. You can't rescue a drowning man until he gives up the struggle, as he is fighting against the water all the time. It is not until he gives up struggling that he can be rescued.

Please act on the good advice you have received that is repeated over and over on this forum, and may God bless you and deliver you from all your troubles.


 2012/7/3 17:59Profile

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