A question for Approved, re panic attacks.You wouldn't happen to live near a wind farm would you? Check out "infrasound" - or "infrasonic"
No, but industry is big here though a lot of pollution. I used to have panic attacks quite severely but not much these days, more anxiety than anything and my anxieties are spiritual in nature. I know why I am getting them. Thanks for asking and I will look into the Infrasonic. I wish Bible4life would answer, it would be nice to read of an update.
Hey guys no things havent got to much better for me, at times i get strong than i get weak again. At times i feel a great darkness over my mind too.
And then go and see one of the pentecostal variety ministries and find out which one of them deal in casting out devils and find out from them if your story fits in with any of their experiences they may have a word for you.
I have wondered to if i have been saved for a long time now, i for the past few years have asked the Lord to save me on many occasions if i wasnt saved and i have also have tried standing on my faith in Christ to no avail. Over the past few years i have also noticed that God's Spirit has seemed to depart from me a lot, and when i am getting attacked by the demonic spirits i seem to grow worse in my thought life and seem more corrupt.
You still don't sound like having any signs of possession, just oppression if anything. Also, if you've asked God to save you, He will. So I don't think it's a salvation issue either.Like I said before, I would REALLY think about at least going to a doctor and seeing if there's anything medically wrong with you. If the doctors are still at a complete loss, let us know.I'll continue praying for you.
Everest brother, you misunderstood me, I was telling him that he should go and see one of these variety churches who DO cast out devils, not cast devils out of him. Anyone who has had dealings with them would understand what bible4life was talking about and may give him a word or something. I say Pentecostal or some other group that believes in the power of God and the gifts of the Spirit. It doesn't have to be Pentecostal, but there is no sense in sending him to a Baptist or Methodist operation as they haven't a clue as they don't get involved in the gifts of the Spirit or casting out devils for that matter.
I have also tried standing on my faith in Christ to no avail.
QUOTE: "One thing I do know about casting out devils is that just because it says that we can cast out devils in the bible doesn't mean that we have the right to. We must be led by the Holy Ghost to do these things."==APPROVEDI would tend to agree with you on this. Afterall, there is a clear verse in the Bible that warns that when a spirit goes out of a man because he has swept his 'house' then that spirit goes and gets 7 other spirits more wicked than himself and says he will return to his 'house' wence he came and then that last state of that man becomes worse than the first! Why? Because the man 'cleaned house' and put away or repented of a particular habit or sin but didn't turn to CHRIST and doesn't replace the evil spirit with the HOLY spirit! So it can be a dangerous thing to cast a devil out of a man who is not ready to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ. If you cast something out, there is no guarantee it won't return! And it may bring even more evil with it! If a person isn't willing to bow to Jesus then they are not miserable enough yet, no matter how much you may think they are suffering!