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 tormented by demons need urgent prayer

Brothers and sisters in Christ i know i have posted many prayer requests about my situation. I appreciate all your concern for me and prayers, but i really need extra prayer right now. I feel as if i have demonic spirits afflicting my whole body day in and day out. Last week when i put my last prayer request i started getting better for a few days\, but then to fall back into the bondage again.The last year has been like that for me with me sometimes maybe for a few days at most finding relief to sometimes a few hours. As some of you might not know my situation, over a year ago i had a back neck injury come out of nowhere and i began to have heavy swelling on my neck area a nd i was out of work for 5 weeks, the Lord miraculously delivered me completely from it one day when i asked him to take the burden from me. Then within a few days i began to feel something attacking my neck area again, not knowing what it was i felt like the Holy Spirit revealed to me i was under demonic attack, the only bad thing was that these attacks on my mind and body have continued for over a year now. They are not getting better. I for the past year have had a great fear on me that i was going to go paralized it seemed engraved in my thoughts that i could not get out of my mind, and still cant. I have prayed all day many days to no avail and still being tormented. Sometimes i can feel the affliction go from my back to my knees or ankles to my arms and legs. But lately it has only got worse.I am scared, i confessed every known sin i could think of, but the door does not seem to be closed. Please i really need extra prayer right now, it is getting really bad. IN Christ John

 2012/6/27 21:34

 Re: tormented by demons need urgent prayer

I'll definitely pray for you man, but have you seen a doctor yet?

 2012/6/27 22:11


besides a naturopath and the three hospital visits from a year ago no, but i am telling you i am not just being afflicted in my back but my mind, arms and legs, i feel to be demonic oppression. Anytime i try be forceful with these spirits and try to cast them out i get some relief, but then they come back even worse not long after that and the attacks become unbearable almost to the point where i have had to just tell God to fight for me and battle them and then i just wait on strength, that is hard waiting for strength. I am worn seeking the Lord about this, some days i seriously spend the whole day praying, almost the whole day, just walking around my house crying out to God. I been doing this for over a year. I have tried getting closer to God in his word to spending alone time with him, but i sometimes get stronger from that to only start getting afflicted throughout the day again. I need deliverance, but i have yet to get it, everything i have sought and everyone i have sought has been to no avail for me, i have felt spirits seem to afflict no matter where i go or what i do, i can just be in the car with my wife and getting afflicted or just walking around my house. I actually feel spirits come into my flesh it seemed a few times and have had felt something hit me in the back of my head and neck. I have tried figuring out what could be the cause of this and have prayed and asked God to tell me what it was but he has been silent, when i have asked how i opened the door. The only few things i thought was possibly when i was working at the assisted living place that i tried casting spirits out of people or the elderly who had dementia, i assumed they might have been bound by satan so i tried casting out spirits out of them some of them quitely. That i think could have opened the door to spirits coming on me.I was leading 2 bible studies at the time, going to school, and preached twice and i thought i was in Gods will, but then everything just fell apart. But, i have no idea what the issue is it could have been pride or my struggle with lust to. I dont know.

 2012/6/27 22:31

Joined: 2009/2/20
Posts: 494
Celina, Texas


John, I confess I am not always faithful in praying for you but I do pray that God uses this to Glorify Himself.

 2012/6/27 22:54Profile


Though I have no doubt that demons can oppress us, I also know that many times we can blame demons for something that's naturally happening in our body. I think if you haven't been to a doctor for about a year, it would be worth checking out.

Of course continue to pray, but make sure that it's not something that medication won't fix before claiming you need deliverance (which is a whole nuther' kettle of fish).

The opposite extreme happens all the time. People just believe that they're healed of something that Christ hasn't healed them of, and they stop taking medication, or whatever be the case, and they reap the physical consequences of it, and then blame the devil, or blame themselves for lack of faith, when neither are the culprit.

I'll keep praying for you bro, but I would really consider visiting a physician if it's been over a year.

 2012/6/27 22:58

 Panic Anxiety Attacks

Sounds like your having panic/anxiety attacks. I have them frequently and I have pain in certain parts of my body as a result. Just the other day I went into the emergency thinking I was having a heart attack and my heart was normal, but the centre of my chest was in pain, I was having an anxiety attack. I get the same thing in my neck. I pray about it yes, and I take an anti nauseant like Gravol to help relax my muscles.

I hope that is all your experiencing. Not everything is a devil.

But as requested, my prayers are with you man.

 2012/6/28 0:05

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


John, i read a lot of "I feel" and "I felt" in your sentences, so am doubtful if this is truly demonic. BUT, IF it truly is and you ARE being tormented and Oppressed by demonic powers then there can be two possibilities:

either you opened the door at some point through dabbling in the occult or thru having occult artifacts in your residence or possession or maybe you have bitterness which has resulted in God handing you over to the tormenters. Those are the only two possibilities i can think of. There can also be forms of witchcraft and incantations in the church, people uttering well-meaning things which really amount to nothing more than mumbo jumbo or incantations. So be careful of that as well. Also stay away from any people or relatives that may be dabbling in such things and do not accept gifts from them.

Even so, do not be demon-centered but CHRIST-centered. CHRIST has all power and authority. Keep praise music or Christian music playing 24/7 and see if that helps. If nothing else it should help to calm you. Keep it on even while sleeping in bed if you can (i.e Christian radio).

Also, be aware that it is the COMMON experience of followers of Christ to be AFFLICTED, not the exception. So your back pain may just be an affliction allowed by God to mature you and make you more Christ-like.

 2012/6/28 3:49Profile

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


QUOTE: "The only few things i thought was possibly when i was working at the assisted living place that i tried casting spirits out of people or the elderly who had dementia..."==BIBLE4LIFE

Please don't take offense but here right here is a clear example of how demon-centered you are, believing that everything is caused by a demon and demon behind every bush. Dementia is not caused by demons, it is the result of damage to the brain that results from living in a fallen world. Sin has corrupted this world and so bad things happen, including accidents and poor health and cellular damage to organs, etc. Yes, it may be the result of SIN, but not necessarily of demons. People smoke and so they get lung cancer, it doesnt mean they have a lung cancer demon. It is just the consequence of their SIN; the downpayment on judgment if you will. My CHRISTIAN grandmother suffered a number of strokes near the end of her life and as a result wound up with dementia due to the damage caused by the stroke. We are all sinners and we ALL must DIE eventually, from one thing or another. There is NO escape. The body & brain WEARS OUT as it is DYING. YOU are dying right now, with every hour, and every day, and every step you take and every tick of the clock. Every single one of us is DYING with every tick of the clock; we are in a state of DEGENERATION, also known as AGING. It is not demonic, it is the curse of the Fall of man.

Edit: I must add that i DO think that demons play a role in ENTICING people to smoke (sin) and creating the addiction, but the lung cancer and other diseases that result is a result of the sin of smoking, not from demon possession.

 2012/6/28 4:08Profile


"The only few things i thought was possibly when i was working at the assisted living place that i tried casting spirits out of people or the elderly who had dementia..."

Ah, I remember some years ago as a youngin in the Lord, a group of us guys took it upon ourselves to cast out a devil in a man that was troubled. I thought nothing of it until the Pastor later asked me if we had done something like this because one of the guys that were there was being demonically attacked and that we should have consulted persons that knew about casting out devils before attempting to cast out devils ourselves. I heard nothing more about the situation or what happened to the brother.

One thing I do know about casting out devils is that just because it says that we can cast out devils in the bible doesn't mean that we have the right to. We must be led by the Holy Ghost to do these things.

Some of us get antsy because we want to live out the bible and we can't. We can't do it without the Spirit of God leading our every step. Plus, we need to be granted authority. Just because we have received the holy Spirit doesn't mean we have the authority to do what we want. We must be given authority to cast out devils and not everyone casts out devils.

It sounds like you've opened a door for these things to harass you. The scripture is clear brother,

1) Submit yourself unto God.

This means that you submit to His ways of doing things. You stop what you are doing, repent, asking God to forgive you for entering places that you had no business entering and

2)Resist the Devil.

This means that whatever hell has been sent to you that you stand your ground and stand you must calling upon the Lord for help. You can get everyone in the world to pray for you, but it still takes your Will to resist the devil and not give into the fear. Yes it's hard, it's hard to resist. Look at our Lord in the wilderness resisting the temptation of being able to turn a stone into a loaf of bread to eat, the bible says that He was very hungry. He could have done it, but than He would be no different than Esau who sold his birthright for a piece of nothing.

What we will pray for is the strength for you to stand, to resist the devil.

3)And he will flee!

The promise is that he can't stand it when someone is faithful to God and not to him. Satan is used to having people bend to his will, but then there is this "little flock" that just irritates him to no end. Satan comes with all his darkness and overwhelms the believer with temptation, as the resisting begins the darkness increases the temptation becomes almost unbearable and then like a flash of lightening, darkness flees because it can't comprehend it. It can't stay. It flees away until another set of circumstances bring it back to see if we learned anything from the last temptation.

As for your affliction,

"Many are the affliction of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver us from them all."

I do recommend that you see a Doctor about your condition. It could be something serious it could be something that is not demon related. And whatever you do don't mention about demons attacking you, or he'll send you to a psychiatrist.

And then go and see one of the pentecostal variety ministries and find out which one of them deal in casting out devils and find out from them if your story fits in with any of their experiences they may have a word for you.

Good Hunting!

 2012/6/28 10:27

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179

 Re: tormented by demons need urgent prayer

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

 2012/6/28 16:40Profile

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