1 Cor 3:6,7 - I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.
Though most of us would admit no one is perfect and I am also not an exception, have we really tried to analyze some of those characteristics that make us imperfect, immature? If not, I suggest everyone to take it to the Lord and sincerely ask Him.
Please do not say or pretend, He has already spoken to me, this is the way He wants me to be etc. Please, take yourself to Him EVERYDAY. Keep yourself at the altar and ask Him, what He feels about you, how He wants you to act. You cannot do that once and just go on as you like for the rest of your life.
Even when a spiritual man matures and grows as a disciple, many fall short in the area of manifesting the nature of Jesus Christ. Instead, the new man also manifests the old carnal mans nature even though there is considerable victory over sins.
What I mean is, a person who has been proud before accepting Christ, continues to be proud even though he has got victory in many carnal sins. Another who was argumentative, continues to be so, along with his victory over certain sins. Another might be living holy in most of the areas but has no control over outbursts of anger. What is the problem here? Is it something wrong with the salvation or born again experience? No, but it is a problem with ones own self, forgetting a command that our Lord gave us to follow Him. Matt 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
I know, many of you instantly thought, yes, that is what I do every day. If that is so, perfect. But let us look at little deeper.
Denying self is an attitude a disciple develops as he goes. Our denial can be anywhere on a scale of 1 to 10. I have heard of people who are up on that scale. We see the apostles at a very high level of self denial. I realize my level is low considering many areas. Can we honestly say we deny 100%? I am sure not. If yes, we would have seen many Christ like disciples who behaved and carried on their lives exactly like Jesus did. Let us be honest. So when it comes to denial, it is not just denying the lusts of the world and flesh. It is also about denying our wishes, desires, priorities, targets etc EVEN when they are spiritual. Let us now come back to the opening verse,
1 Cor 3:6,7 - I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.
Do we really understand and accept this? I am sure many of the sincere leaders are also yet to get this as a revelation. The result is getting disturbed and irritated by the slow or lackluster responses from others. The intentions might be good but the attitude and desire is UNGODLY.
Our job is either to plant or to water. Do that sincerely and zealously. But never expect the growth as you wish. The spirit through this verse warns us, it is ONLY GOD who can make it grow. Please do not defend self and say, this is a basic thing that I knew for years. Open up yourself in front of God, ask Him, the following questions.
God, what is my attitude towards my fellow brethren or the lot that you have given me to take care of? God what is my attitude with a back-slider? God have I ever shown any restlessness, impatience with a slow to respond or backsliding believer? God what is my attitude with a believer or group which is different from mine?
There are many more such questions that one can ask god and I am sure, for a sincere person who is humble to accept self deficiencies will get not only an answer but also a revelation from our heavenly father.
God gave me the grace to do that recently as He taught me through the usual teenage rebellion of my dear son. I noticed to my dismay that I have been overzealous and too demanding. I also realized many more areas, so un- Christ like. In short, I was not a godly father, just a good worldly father.
Is your love for fellow brethren totally unconditional? Honestly in most of the cases it is NOT. It may not be for any material reasons, but I have seen in most of the cases, when one is in fellowship, there is love and when one looses that relationship for any reason, the love is lost. If that is the case, realize it was not godly love in the first place. Do we have the heart of a godly father with our brethren, with others?
Rom 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Paul continues from there to make it clear that Jesus loved us when we did not deserve it, by any human standards. But gods love is beyond that and hence incomprehensible for many. He loved us when we were weak, ungodly, sinful, enemies and so on.
Now is this a challenge for you? I hope so. It challenged me just two days back. As most of the fathers, I too have high hopes and expectations about my children. The usual outcome of that is trying to teach them the value system which we have now. It is fine and perfect to do that as we want them to have the best. But the problem is when we try to impose things on them and expect instant results. We become overzealous and want our children to be born again and live a perfect holy life in a day, when we ourselves struggled for years and finally only through the grace of god, got some victory.
Let us look back at our lives. I do not know about you, but can share from my personal experience. After coming to faith at the age of 37, I was part of a fellowship where true word was presented by godly elders. But my spiritual life was on a roller coaster ride, with its ups and downs and at times, terrible backsliding too. Despite my sincere desire and personal attempts to live holy and pleasing god, I was far from that. Finally, after almost 8 years like that, I thought I will never make it. In fact, I wrote a mail to an elder who knew me personally very well that I know that I am not even born again. He reassured me of Gods everlasting love etc and encouraged me to press on. Soon after that mail, I started praying, accepting my shortcomings, sins etc and told god, Dear father, I long to live victoriously, but I am not able to make it. It is my desire to do your will, but mine is so strong and I fall for the world and its lusts. Can you save me from this? Since then, there were amazing changes in my personal life. I realized I was not the same any more. God gave me clear signs in three of the most difficult areas in my personal life, by giving me victory over them. When I write this, I have already completed almost 3 years in this state. I realize it was a mighty anointing that He gave me when I completely surrendered. God had to wait till I empty myself for filling me up.
I am not claiming anything about myself but I know one thing and I praise only God for that.
Matt 8:17 {This was} to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: "HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES."
Dear brothers and sisters including those in leadership roles, accept the sovereignty of god. Do not jump into conclusions, decisions and actions before His time and His perfect ways. Let us just do our bit sincerely, in total humility and love. Leave the results to god.
I have now stopped pressurizing my children by my own standards. Even when I share with them the will of god, I know it is ONLY GOD who can do anything IN them. It was only god who did in me. Being part of a great fellowship, hearing pure word of sound doctrines etc can help one to understand god and His will. But victory comes when HE showers His anointing on one. So never be discouraged or worry when the results are not up to the mark. Do all that you can do in a godly, loving and caring way. Leave the rest to god.
This gave me tremendous light in another area. When we are in the service of god, we may come across extremely difficult people, situations etc. We may feel like quitting, leaving them etc. But God wants us to do our bit wholeheartedly and wait for His time and ways to reap the results.
So, you may preach the most powerful and anointed messages with no or little results. Do not be disheartened. The growth is through god alone.
Let us repent and pray for god to give us the unconditional love and perfect humility that He demonstrated through Jesus in the world. Nothing less or more can achieve the true results that God wants us to work for.
Praise and glory to god.
_________________ Rajesh