How do you draw the conclusion that God at that hour didnt choose to call them rebellious?
and the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Take the rod; and you and your brother Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to the rock before their eyes, that it may yield its water. You shall thus bring forth water for them out of the rock and let the congregation and their beasts drink. Numbers.
Jesus was never afraid of speaking the truth, even if it hurt others, for His heart was filled with love for them. He was not concerned whether His reputation for kindness would be lost by speaking strong words. He loved others more than Himself and so He was willing to sacrifice His reputation in order to help them. Therefore He spoke the truth firmly, lest men be ruined eternally. The eternal welfare of men mattered far more to Him than their opinions of Him.
It's easy to be nice when your motive is to be liked, admired, accepted / not rejected. It just comes 'naturally'. Agape doesn't. It costs too much.
God Bless you brother Andrew! I have really enjoyed your writings that you have posted on this thread. It really shows an excellent spirit of wisdom.I have also learned that it is more difficult to show the Love of God to others in a proper language and mannerism because we still don't realize how much our flesh is involved when we discover knowledge about something or someone. I have been praying to God more about how to relate to others with love in a positive light than just being so blunt toward others when I believe that they are wrong.I have learned that when you are a leader working with other brother and sisters, then you should strive to have a good working relationship. We are the family of God and we shouldn't want to be at offense with one another. We should be lovingly striving to help others see the things that they need to see and it should hurt us to even think about saying or doing anything to hurt our family.
Thank you for your encouragement brother rbanks. I needed it.