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Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York

 The Great Apostacy has already arrived. How did you miss it?

I was reading the thread by appolus. I have much to say about it. So I started this thread so as to not co-op his thread.

Their have been many acts of apostacies ever since Christianity came into existence.

It is my view that the Great Apostacy predicted by the Bible began in the early part of the 19th Century, the 1800's.

Today, even within the Western World, once the Bastion of Christianity, There has been a great falling away.

With regard to values: the 'true' Christians are the conservatives who fight to return society to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The secularists seek to minimize, isolate, and undermine the influence of Christians, the Bible, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that they may freely pursue what seems right in their own eyes according to their own desires.

Jesus Christ is the head of His Church, each secularists perceived themself as the master of their fate.

It isn't that all secularists are intrinsically evil. Many, if not most, are full of good intentions, give to charities, and want to build a better man-centered Earth, but with no room for a 'god'. Their motto is to leave the earth a better place for the next generation. In doing so, they replace God with themselves. They are playing at being 'god'.

Many secularists are probably less sinful than many Christians. It is to the devil's advantage that his preachers outshine the Christians in exemplary behaviour so that their materialistic life, and views, produce complacency in Christians and the world. toward their materialistic ideology.

Their ideology places man as the highest authority in the universe, and with no place for Jesus and the gospel. For satan is the god of all the systems of things on this earth, systems aimed to destroy Biblical truths and steal humans away from God, if that were possible. A divide has come, separating the wolves from the sheep, the children of God.

This is the secularists great weakness, for they neither believe in the existence of Jesus, nor satan. They do not have the indwelling Holy Spirit. Thus they are unwittingly subject to the influences of Satan and his demons. The more influencial the secularists become, the more satan is likely to influence all peoples, including some Christians. For they appear to be decent people who are smart, who have arrived at Secular Humanism honestly and with good cause. But if you look close enough, their atheistic foundation is not made of solid good Bricks, but of thin disquised cards that look like good solid red bricks.

In my next post I will begin to provide the specifics.

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/23 15:16Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York

 Re: The Great Apostacy has already arrived. How did you miss it?

”Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo." Karl Marx and Frederic Engels, 1848.

As quoted from: Marx, K. 1976. Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Collected Works, v. 3. New York.

Before Marx and Engels, in England, a man by the name of Charles Lyell conceived a plan to overthrow Christianity. Not through directly attacking Christianity, but rather, his goal was to snare people away from Christianity in a very indirect manor. Lyell boasted to his atheist friends that he could undermine Christianity without speaking a single word against it. And he succeeded beyond all expectations. More about this later.

Charles Lyell was studying Law in the early 1820's, but his interest in geology and origins was spurred by the lectures of famed geologist Dr. William Buckland at Exeter College in Oxford. Buckland wrote Reliquiae Diluvianae (1823) in which he argued that the evidence of geology alone demonstrated that a great flood had covered the entire globe. This irked young Charles Lyell so much from that moment on, that Lyell would soon give up his initial goal of practicing law and dedicate his life to overthrowing the Biblical Noachic geology. Lyell embraced the very gradualistic uniformatarian geology ideas of James Hutton, the very same gradualistic uniformatarian concept that would be used in Darwins' origin of life scenario. At the time, Charles Lyell formulated a plan to overthrow the Noachic geology, which he, and his close friends, estimated that it would take 50 years to overthrow.

Charles Lyell was not an honest scientists who simply examined the geological evidence which forced him to abandon his cherished Christian scriptural view of Noachic geology. Before doing any research at all, Charles Lyell, along with a small clique of like-minded friends, set out to reinterpret the geological record strictly for the very purpose to undermine the Biblical Noachic geology. If people come to believe that Noah's flood never happened, then the Bible can not be true, except for a few historical events.

This deception by Charles Lyell is confirmed by him in writing, by a private letter Lyell sent to personal friend, Poulette Scrope, as Scrope prepared a review of the newly (1829) published first volume of The Principles of Geology for the Quarterly Review (The scholarly science magazine published in England):

"If you don't triumph over them, but compliment the liberality and candour of the present age, the bishops and enlightened saints will join us in despising both the ancient and modern physico-theologians. It is just the time to strike, so rejoice that, sinner as you are, the Q.R. [Quarterly Review) is open to you. If I have said more than some will like, yet I give you my word that full half of my history and comments was cut out, and even as many facts; because I, or Stokes, or Broderip, felt that it was anticipating twenty or thirty years of the march of honest feeling to declare it undisguisedly. … I conceived the idea more than five or six years ago. That if ever the Mosaic geology could be set down without giving offence, it would be a historical sketch. … Let them feel it, and point to the moral."

The Life, Letters and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, (Mrs.) K.M. Lyell (ed.). John Murray, London:1881. Vol. 1. p.271.

Lyell's work on 'Uniformitarian Geology' was immensely popular and widely read both by professional geologists and, surprisingly enough, "by the cultivated public whose curiosity about the secrets of the earth was growing." 24.

However, as one might expect, laymen were confused by Lyell's relatively technical and irregular interpretation of the Deluge. Since orthodox biblical scholarship seemingly held the upper hand in theological circles at the time, laymen expected a refutation or synthesis of Lyell's tranquil, uniformitarian interpretation from Christian biblical scholars. But, much to their consternation, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London and the Bishop of Llandaff in 1831 invited Charles Lyell to be professor of geology at King's College of the Church of England. In a letter Lyell related their attitude toward his work:

"They considered some of my doctrines startling enough, but could not find that they were come by otherwise than in a straightforward manner, and (as I appeared to think) logically deducible from the facts . . . there was no reason to infer that I had made my theory from any hostile feeling toward revelation." 25

This seemed outrageous to the orthodox. In fact Lyell's perceptive friend, Poulett Scrope, quipped:

"If the news be true, and your opinions are to he taken at once into the bosom of the Church, instead of contending against that party for half a century, then, indeed, shall we make a step at once of fifty years in the science-in such a miracle will I believe when I see it performed."26

25 Mrs. Lyell, Life, Letters and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, I, 317. Lyell assurred Bishop Capelston of Llandaff "that there was 'no objection to his [GOD] drowning as many people as he pleased on such parts as can he shown to he inhabited in the days of Noah' " (Gillispie, Genesis and Geology, pp. 140-41).
26Mrs. Lyell, Life, Letters and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, I, 317.

In 1841, Charles Lyell paid a visit to New York's Niagra Falls. Collecting facts from the people who lived in Niagra, it became clear that the rate of erosion about 3 feet per year, which implied that the gourge was a little less than 12,000 years old. When Lyell included Niagra Falls in one of his updates to his 'Principles of Geology', he reduced the erosion rate to about 1 foot per year and stated that the Niagra gorge took 35,000 years to erode to its' present state. Today, we know that the gourge only took 3,000 to 4,000 years to erode. So Lyell is known to lie outright with respect to the geological evidence in order to support his efforts to undermine the Bible.

In sum, Lyell, using his legal skills, would manufacture an opus presenting the alleged evolutionary version of the earth’s geological past. He would lead his readers to doubt the chronology of Moses and the Bible as a whole without directly attacking it and without even naming it. With his Principles of Geology, published when he was only in his early thirties, he succeeded no doubt beyond his wildest dreams. We are not left to wonder if Lyell was conscious of his indirect, deceitful maneuver against the Bible. He employed the same tactic generally, rarely asserting dogmatically what he wanted readers to believe, but cleverly allowing them to reach his conclusions on their own. Indeed, he wrote of his use of this tactic to encourage belief in biological evolution: “I left this rather to be inferred, not thinking it worthwhile to offend a certain class of persons by embodying in words what could only be a speculation” (Lyell, 1881, vol. 1, p. 467).

Charles Darwin, who labled Christianity as a "Damnable religion', observed Lyell using this tactic:

"Lyell is most firmly convinced that he has shaken the faith in the Deluge far more efficiently by never having said a word against the Bible than if he had acted otherwise. … I have read lately Morley’s Life of Voltaire and he insists strongly that direct attacks on Christianity (even when written with the powerful force and vigour of Voltaire) produce little permanent effect; real good seems to follow only the slow and silent side attacks "(Himmelfarb, 1968, p. 387).

For his efforts, Lyell was knighted in 1848, and was created a baronet in 1864, in which year he was president of the British Association at Bath. He was elected corresponding member of the French Institute and of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin, and was created a knight of the Prussian Order of Merit. In 1851, Lyell used his influence to bring about educational reform at Oxford, namely by greatly diminishing the influence of Christianity, which he had long 'quietly' opposed. Lyell remained a regular church-goer throughout his life.

In his The Principles of Geology, Charles Lyell rejected Lamarck's Theory of Evolution which allowed a roll for a Divine Creator. Lyell just about stated Darwin's theory of Evolution in his published "Principles of Geology", leaving biographers scratching their heads as to why Lyell did not complete his thoughts on the origin of life to their natural conclusions. My opionion is that Charles Lyell did not want to endanger the strides he made in overthrowing the Biblical Noahic Flood. Rather, he hand picked Charles Darwin to be his conduit for overthrowing the Biblical God as the author of Life.

During his voyage on the Beagle, Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by Charles Lyell's 'Principles of Geology'. He was hand picked for the voyage by Lyell, Darwin was given Volume I as he set sale from England. Volume 2 he received while sailing on the Beagle.

When Darwin came back to England on October 2, 1836, Darwin was at a total lost as to his future and what he would be doing. An eager Charles Lyell met Darwin on 29 October and introduced him to the up-and-coming anatomist Richard Owen. Lyell took Darwin under wing. By 1839, Charles Darwin had his 'Theory of Evolution, and the Survival of the Favoured Races, by Means of Natural Selection', formulated. But He did not publish it till twenty years later, the evidence was not strong for evolution, and only when Alfred Russel Wallace, a naturalist working in Borneo, came up with a similar theory about the survival of the fittest, that Lyell, Thomas Huxley, and Hooker, moved to get Darwin's book out and keep control of the Theory by having Darwin being the spokesman for the Theory rather than let Wallace be the spokesman for the Theory. Upon receipt of Wallace's first letter in spring of 1856, they told Darwin to finish completion of His book while they started canvassing influential people and scientists to gain their support of Darwin's ideas, and the forthcoming book.

But were they really Darwin's ideas. After all, Lyell seemingly almost stated that same Theory in the early 1830's. In Darwin's own words:

"I really think my books come half out of Lyell's brain," said Charles Darwin, "I see through his eyes."

Darwin's 'Origin of the Species' was well received. The fruit of Lyell, Darwin, and friends has born its' ungodly fruit. The Bible was to be relegated to be merely a book of ancient fables, and Christianity rapidly diminished, and non-Christian ideas flourished; all to the point that led to Western Europe becoming a Bastion of Secularism. It gave way to moral relativism, Aryanism, Eugenics and abortion. Last to fall, America resisted the works and ideas of Lyell and Darwin until FDR rendered control of government, our courts, and our schools and colleges over to the secularists. With God's word removed as the measure of human values, the whole world has now gone into moral decline and philosophical chaos.

Lyell, who rewrote science, was wrong.

As for Lyell and Darwin's works, evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould points out:

“Charles Lyell was a lawyer by profession, and his book [Principles of Geology, 1830-1833] is one of the most brilliant briefs ever published by an advocate ... Lyell relied heavily upon two bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish. ... In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell. The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes; rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see. The catastrophists were the hard-nosed empiricists of their day, not the blinded theological apologists.

Lyell's 'uniformity' is a hodgepodge of claims. One is a methodological statement [see previous paragraph] that must be accepted by any scientist, catastrophist and uniformitarian alike. Other claims are substantive notions that have since been tested and abandoned. Lyell gave them a common name and pulled a consummate fast one: he tried to slip the substantive claim by with an argument that the methodological proposition had to be accepted..."

Stephen Jay Gould, “Catastrophes and Steady-State Earth, in Natural History, February, 1975, pp. 16, 17.

“Gradualism was never ‘proved from the rocks’ by Lyell and Darwin, but was rather imposed as a bias upon nature. …has had a profoundly negative impact by stifling hypotheses and by closing the minds of a profession toward reasonable empirical alternatives to the dogma of gradualism. …Lyell won with rhetoric what he could not carry with data.”

Gould, S. J., Toward the vindication of punctuational change.In: W. A. BERGGREN & J. A. VAN COUVERING (Eds.): Catastrophes and Earth History: The New Uniformitarianism, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey), pp. 14-16, 1984.

The above is just one example of a liberal departure that has proven to be extremely destructive. We are now living in a Post Christian world. Christians have become weak because they embrace the ideas of the world, not awares of Satan's influence in the world. Lyell and Darwin set the stage for these developements that have distracted many from God's truths. Notice the Orwellian ways and means Lyell and Darwin resorted to, seizing the present to rewrite the past and force upon an unwary public beliefs about geology and origins of life that simply are not true.

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/23 16:34Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York

 Re: The fruti of Secular Humanism,

When Lyell, Darwin, and many others were orchestrating their mischief in Great Britain, Christianity was thriving. Evangelical revivals led to social movements such as the abolition of slavery, child welfare legislation, prohibition of alcohol (which backfired), and the development of public health and public education.

The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 with the goals to spread and advance Christianity, the advancement of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objectives beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.

The 'Church Army' was founded in England in 1882 to advance the moral condition of the lowest classes of the people which called for new and aggressive action on the part of the Church and was most effectively done by lay people of the same class as those whom it was desired to touch. 19th Century Great Britain sent many missionaries to bring the gospel to foreign lands and colonies.

Great Britain had many great Preachers in the 19th Century, including Charles Spurgeon. In my college days, I remember reading through a couple of England’s leading Newspapers of the 1860' and 1870'w and was amazed at the prominence Christianity held in those Newspapers. Christian Sermons by prominent Pastors were featured articles; Announcements of invitations to attend Christian Bible studies, readings, and lectures were common.

Little did they know that that Secular Humanism was taking over the public education in Europe and would eventually spread to America.

My point here is that the magnificent progresses brought about by the Industrial Revolution in England did not at all diminish Christianity. Christians were very active during that period in bringing about improvements at all levels of society, materially and spiritually.

That was one of the greatest Christian generations in world history. Little did they know there was a plot afoot to overthrow the Christian worldview, and it was aimed at their offspring. While the Christians were doing so many good works, Lyell, Darwin, and company took over the education systems and masterminded a secular theology that overthrew the Biblical accounts of God as Creator, and the worldwide flood of Noah, as well as remove Christianity itself from the School systems. They replaced these ideas with ‘MAN’ as the highest authority in the universe. Reinforcing this trend, Newspapers were becoming owned by secular humanists. In light of Darwinism and the secular humanists taking over teaching, The educated children became confused about Christianity; the grandchildren were blasé toward their Christian upbringing; the third generation began to abandon Christianity except for some lip service to it. Today, only about 10% of England’s population consider themselves practicing Christians.

At the time of the 1926 Scopes trial, America was still a deeply Christian nation. Secularism had not yet infected our public school systems. The Christian oriented McGuffy reader was the most popular text in the elementary school. The Bible was still read daily in public schools and prayers were permitted and encouraged. Then FDR became President, He was a Fabian and appointed fellow Fabian, and atheist, John Dewey in charge of our public schools. FDR also appointed radical judges to the Federal Courts including the Supreme Court. All of a sudden the constitution became a living document, in came the doctrine of Separation of Church and State, out went Bible readings, adult led prayers, the McGuffy readers. Into our schools came Pragmatism, Secularism, and Materialistic Evolution the Fact. Thus began the decline of Christianity in America. Ideas derived from the Fabian school of thought include birth control, legalized abortions, permissiveness, drugs to cure societal ills, recreational drugs, and Socialism. Foul language and casual sex has become the acceptable norm.

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/23 16:50Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK


Psalm 2

1 Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision

Colin Murray

 2012/5/23 17:27Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York


To understand the people who are imposing Secular Humanism upon our youth of the USA through our public Schools education system. I suggest you read the following online PDF article from the very respected Scholar:

Professor D. L. Cuddy

Chronology of Education - American Deception

Here is a much shorter version of His Paper.

I do recommend the longer version of his Paper. It is very informativeas to who is doing what to education systems.


I should point out that Western Europe was the first to becoming post Christian as Secular Humanists took over the school system by methodically replacing Christian Teacher with Secular Humanists, and transformed the education curriculum to indoctrinate students into ecual Humanism.

The United States was the last Western Nation where whose school curriculum was taken over Secular Humanist.

For details:

One Excerpt from above article:

In his famous 1951 book, God and Man at Yale , William F. Buckley, Jr. commented that:

“The teachings of John Dewey and his predecessors have borne fruit. And there is surely not a department at Yale that is uncontaminated with the absolute that there are no absolutes, on intrinsic rights, no ultimate truths. The acceptance of these notions, which emerge in courses in history and economics, in sociology and political science, in psychology and literature, make impossible an intelligible conception of an omnipotent, purposeful, and benign Supreme Being, who has laid down immutable laws, endowed his creatures with inalienable rights, and posited unchangeable rules of human conduct.”

Very clearly there has been a steep falling away from Christianity in our current world of 7 Billion plus people on this planet. Missionaries are coming from the lower half of Africa to evangelize post Christian North America.

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/23 18:28Profile

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York


by murrcolr on 2012/5/23 14:27:13

"Psalm 2

1 Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."

Most appropriate quote for our current realpolitik among the former bastions Christianity, Such was North Africa and the Middle East which were Christian until the Moslems conquered these regions in the 7th and 8th Centuries AD. They wiped out Christianity with the sword. Ever since Charles Lyell, Charles Darwin, and friends, - Christianity has been attacked by the mighty sword of the pen, for the sole purpose of undermining Christianity. And the PEN is mightier than the SWORD. Secular Humanists run our public Schools. An elite of wealthy people in Europe in the 19th century used their wealth to take over our major mass media by buying them out, and using the mass media (News Papers, Magazines, books, as well as our school curriculums and the books they choose for students, and they bought out the Major TV Networks, Radio Stations, etc.) and uses these mass media to indoctrinate people into Secular Humanism. They have used Newspapers, Magazines, and entertainment venues, and The News programs, our public schools, for the purpose to brain wash the masses into accepting their secular humanistic points of view.

Not that we should panic or be in fear, but to just be aware of what is going on. And as Christians, respond accordingly, as the Holy Spirit moves us. For God knows us, no one can snatch us out of our Father's hand, and the indwelling Holy Spirit is our helper, and He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/23 22:27Profile

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