hi, i am not responsible for what you preach but i am commanded to love you.if i love you and i do, i will treat you kindly and with love.jimp
i littel leaven leaven the whole lumptherefor purge out the old leaven that you may be a new lump we are called to love ,but we are also called to remove the evil man from our midts not to even eat with certaint so called christan indaviduals who are ,,couvertus ,idolerters ,,socererers ect,,,,there is a fine line in love
hi, the leaven in this scripture refers to the law and legalism.you can not pull phrases out of the bible and use them to prove something that they are not referring to.why do we continue to be critics . this is not a ministry for we are commanded to let the wheat and tares grow up to full maturity together. krino (to judge or condemn is forbidden for you do not knowe what spirit you are obeying;the accuser of the brethren is satan )why do we team up with him so often?jimp
jimmy we are not comanded to let the tares grow with the weat ,,we are comanded to remove the evil one from our midts ,by paul in the leters to the corinithians ,,paul even said do you not judge those who are among you , god will judge those who are out side chapter 5 of 1 cor verse 7 tells us to purge out the old leaven brother ,,deliever such one to satan for thee destruction of the flesh,then verse 9 not to keep company with sexualy imoral persons and 12 mentions as us judging those people brother you are comfusing what jesus taught about the pharises ,and leaven of the pharesesbrother iv teamed up with scripture ,and you accuse me of teaming up witn satan ,,,,,jimmy what are you doing that for ,,you no that his hipocracy brotherjesus prophecide that it is enevable that some weat and tares will grow together ,,but lests not forsake the wrightings of the blessed paul ,for the sake of a fluffy love and except the sinning professer in our midts blessings
Definitely a man who is Spirit-filled. I love to listen to preachers who are passionate, sincere, humble, and preach the truth in love. Seeing the preacher living what he's preaching is huge for me. There are some men I've heard preach what some would call "masterful sermons," but they've done little for me because the preacher carries himself differently out of the pulpit. Again, there are others whose life I know well, on whose every word I will hang because I know they've been with God. Also, I feel like a "good" preacher needs to have compassion. I've heard many preachers sound angry with people to the point of driving them away. I've also heard compassinate preachers preach very similiar sermons in love that brought conviction and repentance.
dear brothgary, i had no intention of accusing anyone of being anything. i have done a deep study on judgeing in the scripture and a word study on the greek krino which means to judge also diakrino etc. because of the critical attitudes of folks today. and i would advise you to do so also.a site that has a good short article on this subject is ( a wilderness voice) and the article is are we to judge?jimp
hi, i am bumping this because of the great testimony of brothertom about india and r.bonnke.