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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Later tonight, I am going to make a Ribeye steak on the grill. I'm thinking about making a dish along with the steak that I have never made before, stuffed mushrooms! I was not sure what to use as the stuffing, so I picked up some onion and chive cream cheese... Does this work?

Miccah, if you keep talking you may find us on your doorstep hoping for an invitation to your meal! :-)


Sandra Miller

 2012/5/19 13:01Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Definitely, Progresso 'Garlic and Herb' bread crumbs.

Yes, but is it a creamy stuffing, or a dry stuffing? I prefer the creamy type :)


 2012/5/19 13:03Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Miccah, if you keep talking you may find us on your doorstep hoping for an invitation to your meal! :-)


Well sister, if you and your family are ever in Wisconsin, North of Milwaukee, let me know. I will get steaks for the bunch and have you all over :)



 2012/5/19 13:04Profile


Hey Miccah, yes this thread seems trivial doesn't it?, I know. There are more important things to talk about than these things, I do agree. But so can be the News and Current affairs threads, I find some of them depressing but they are there and we accept that.

Knowing a little about your character in these threads, your a serious minded person who is zealous of the things of God (we should all be) and to put this foodie item in your post tells me that your making light of the thread, am I correct in assuming that?

If yes, I agree. But there is nothing wrong in bringing the subject forward. I think the biggest mistake here is that some are believing that I am coming down on those who can't spell, and oh how wrong they are. Even Admin Greg admitted to rushing through a post and making several spelling errors, and so have I.

 2012/5/19 13:40


Creamy style, eh?
Maybe something with sour cream?
I like the bread crumbs to be moist and forgot to add parmesean cheese to that -- but creamy? ... I see that the Philadelphia Cream Cheese people came up with some cooking creams in tubs - but you may be the from scratch type, maybe. Well, keep us posted on what you've concocted.
One Fine day, we all will dine together.
Oh, such an exhilarating thought!
Bon Appetite, Brother.

 2012/5/19 13:49

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Quote: put this foodie item in your post tells me that your making light of the thread, am I correct in assuming that?

Blessed are the peacemakers... :) Just trying to make peace on the boards. Besides Jesus... food and breaking bread together is always a good peace offering.

I do not find your question a bad one. I do agree that spelling could be better, as I am one of the most guilty of spelling and grammatical errors. After posting, I usually have to read through my posting about 6 times before I find all the spelling and grammatical errors. I praise the Lord for the edit function. :P

I do not mean to make light of your post, I appologize for coming off that way. Be blessed!


 2012/5/19 15:17Profile

 The way I am so smart.........

I downloaded a Google toolbar with spell-check. After writing a post here on SI, I just click the button Acheck on the bar, and it highlights all incorrect spells on my page text in red.

Then I right-click each red word, and Wah-Lah!....

A list of correctly spelled words appears, and I pick the right one....and click on it in my text. Every post I usually have three or four misspells, but can correct it to perfect in under a minute.

Google toolbar is free, and safe...but you have to be sure the model you choose [ there are 10 or 11] HAS the spell check. It works on Firefox and IE explorer.

Now I'm going to click the button.......I misspelled highlights and "misspells"...Ha!

It is easy to install......Tom

 2012/5/19 21:30

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