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Discussion Forum : General Topics : Be Encouraged! 2011 Conference DVD (Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Pastor Francis Chan and Jim Cymbala)

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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Be Encouraged! 2011 Conference DVD (Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Pastor Francis Chan and Jim Cymbala)


This is a great resource to consider getting to be encouraged in the work of the Lord. It is geared mostly for leaders in the body of Christ and would be a small amount to pay to receive great encouragement from these 3 leaders: Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Pastor Francis Chan and Jim Cymbala.


Product Description

The Brooklyn Tabernacle presents the Pastors and Leaders Conference 2011. In this multi-session DVD, you'll enjoy over 10 hours of powerful preaching by Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Pastor Francis Chan and Brooklyn Tabernacle's own Pastor Jim Cymbala.

You get all 4 General Sessions on DVD, plus bonus digital material to take this conference "on the go" including:

All 4 General Session Videos for use on iPhones and iPads and on a computer as well as 6 power-packed workshop sessions to help empower you and your ministry leaders.

These workshops include:

1. The Pastor As An Evangelist
2. Mobilizing The Body
3. The Church As a House of Prayer
4. Church Finances in a Down Economy
5. A Spiritual Breakthrough in Children's Church
6. Developing the Next Generation

now only $14.99

promo video:

Order from here:!-2011-Conference-DVD-with-Bonus-Extras

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/5/17 15:49Profile

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