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Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057

 new Jesus video game on facebook??

I am not signed up to use facebook but I saw this in a news article. Apparently there is a new video game that facebook users can play, its called Journey of Jesus: The Calling
I readily admit I know nothing of this game but I do have family that are on facebook so I suspect I may hear about it more. I was just wondering what those who have accounts think of this and what is it all about? Anyone know about this

God Bless

 2012/5/15 13:00Profile

Joined: 2006/7/5
Posts: 653

 Re: new Jesus video game on facebook??

I just looked at it. It appears to not really be a game as much as an interactive cartoon where the player participates in the story of the Gospel.

It is what it is, it's not gonna save the world of facebook but the makers appear to have made an app that attempts to be faithful to the telling of the Gospel.

Jeremy Hulsey

 2012/5/15 13:53Profile

Joined: 2006/7/5
Posts: 653


The thing that will keep me from running the app is the fact that you are forced to upgrade your facebook page to the 'timeline' which I refuse to do. Facebook users on SI will understand :).

Jeremy Hulsey

 2012/5/15 13:56Profile

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