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 The Purpose Driven Thread

Since we house church we do not participate in a lot of the programs and fads that take the institutional churches by storm.

I've read Purpose Drive Life (not as a help in my life, but as research into this new fad... didnt care for the book on a number of levels) but have no experience with the 40 days of Purpose that a lot of churches are doing.

Anyone want to share their thoughts on this? Only those who have actually encountered this program, please. Positive or negative.

I want to learn more about this.


 2005/2/8 10:08

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: The Purpose Driven Thread

Hi Krispy,

Here are a couple of links to prior posts about it. There are actually more too. :)

[url=]Purpose Driven vs. My Utmost[/url]

[url=]Purpose Driven life[/url]

In Him, chanin


 2005/2/8 10:31Profile

Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Re: a purpose for purpose driven stuff

O, I forgot to mention something kind of amusing.

I found a useful purpose for some of the "Purpose Driven" material :-)

At our grocery store, they have little booklets by Warren in the checkout lanes, called "What on Earth Am I here For?" These are by all the magazines you see in the checkout lanes also. When I'm waiting in line I use the booklets to cover up the covers of the Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazines :-P

In Him, Chanin


 2005/2/8 11:07Profile


At our grocery store, they have little booklets by Warren in the checkout lanes, called "What on Earth Am I here For?" These are by all the magazines you see in the checkout lanes also. When I'm waiting in line I use the booklets to cover up the covers of the Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazines

So you're saying some good does come from Rick Warren's material? LOL


 2005/2/8 12:03

Joined: 2003/9/30
Posts: 386
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


At our grocery store, they have little booklets by Warren in the checkout lanes, called "What on Earth Am I here For?" These are by all the magazines you see in the checkout lanes also. When I'm waiting in line I use the booklets to cover up the covers of the Cosmopolitan and Glamour magazines

This little booklet is taken from my favorite section of [i]Purpose-Driven Life[/i]. And yes, I have seen these material having profound impact on people who are otherwise not interested in discussing faith at all.


 2005/2/8 14:10Profile


I have no doubt Rick Warren's ministry has had an impact on many people. I'm not here to malign him. I merely want to here from people who have done the 40 days of purpose.

My comment about the booklet was only meant as humor... nothing else.


 2005/2/8 15:01

 Re: Please read...

"Deceived on Purpose" by Warren Smith. It will tell you what you need to know about Rick Warren. He is little more than a re-invented Robert Schuller.

Influece? I have to disagree with you Krispy. I'm glad you lead a sheltered and sanctified life. Oh that I were in your home fellowship. But for almost 3 years I comed the classified ads at a I was searching far and wide for a pastorate. It is absolutely amazing how many ads qualify their candidates by insisting that they are in harmony with "The Purpose Driven Church". I finally got delived from this web site. The Lord told me if He wanted me to pastor, He knew where I was and how to call me. So I rested that with Him. But that's another adventure.
Beloved, the apostacy is here in full force. If millions weren't deceived, it wouldn't be the apostacy. They are willfully deceived. They refuse to search the scriptures daily to see if these things be so (Acts 17:11). The Holy Spirit is able to lead you and guide you into all truth, provided He is doing the leading. Trust it to a blind person and you will both fall into a ditch. Some never get out. Selah.

 2005/2/9 17:46

Joined: 2004/10/28
Posts: 66
Nairobi, Kenya


The "40 days of Purpose Campaign" has come to Kenya.
Our church joins early next month.
I haven't read the book, but I've seen my unsaved/lukewarm relative get really hungry for God and desire growth after reading it. Plus there are a a number of unbelievers at my office who have expressed interest in being a part of the group study.
May God use this book to get them saved and on fire--at least that's all I'm inteested in...
If anyone has some concerns please flag them for me.

In God's love,

Richard Walker

 2005/3/9 11:28Profile


Ricahrd... I hope all the things you mentioned come to pass as well.

One concern I know I have is how Rick Warren uses a plethura of Bible versions, taking many scriptures out of context in order to bolster his message. Wrenching scripture out of it's original meaning to match our agenda is dangerous.

Is the Purpose Movement bad? No, I dont think it is, in and of itself. I just dont trust a man who plays fast and loose with the Word of God.

But in todays church, most Christians are not concerned with whether or not a movement has errors or could be potentially dangerous... if it has what we consider to be positive results... then we're all for it. Kind of like "the ends justify the means".

I'm not negative about the Purpose Movement, it has some good aspects to it. But neither am I going to be ignorant of the problems.

I also get very leary of a movement that has as one of it's trademarks a vast, lucritive mass marketing campaign. The Purpose Driven Movement has raked in a tremendous amount of consumer money. It's funny to me how something that started out so simplistically (Christianity), and led by a simple carpenter who preached mainly to the common man... has been turned into such a money making industry.

Just my thoughts.


 2005/3/9 11:47

Joined: 2003/9/16
Posts: 474


I would be very careful of this book and suggest you read some of the other threads and look at differing opinions in the body Christ on the purpose-driven craze.

The bigger question to ask is what is my specific purpose in this life? Is it develop my ministry? Maybe God wants me to be successful?

The only answer I believe is eternal is to make us Christ-like.

There's another thread under David Wilkerson on one of his recent messages entitled "Called to Be Christ-like"

That's my only purpose in this life as far as I can tell is to become more Christ-like.

Ed Pugh

 2005/3/9 12:12Profile

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