Saints,I am looking into various social media sites and pinterest seems to becoming quite popular. If anyone uses the site and feels it is valuable in any way to get the gospel out please let us know. Also if anyone has any ability to send an invite to myself please email me at: [email protected]I would like to consider starting a page for sermon index in the platform.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
GregI do know a little about pinterest some. It is very popular at the moment. A lot of people use it to share crafting ideas, decorating tips, home design, birthday party planning, wedding planning, as well as recipes. These are just a few of the ways that it is used as I understand it. I think that having a page to share favorite sermons, or teachings could be a really great way of sharing. For those who already have an account they could pin a teaching to their board for others to see. my daughter is sending you an invite for the pinterest to the email you mentioned. God blessmj
I'm pretty sure only women use Pinterest. Or at least, 95% of the users who use it are women :-)
_________________Jimmy H
Thanks sister for the invite I have setup a page for SermonIndex: