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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation
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No-one could anticipate what would transpire in the next few hours as the small group of Moravian Christians gathered in Herrnhut, Germany, to
observe the Lord's Supper on Wednesday evening, August 13, 1727. Those present had a growing recognition that all was not right among them. Though they weren't as openly critical of one another as they had been only weeks earlier, their leader challenged them to "quit judging each other." The Moravians in Herrnhut lived in harmony as a Christian community, but the sweetness of the faith seemed to be missing in their lives. When they assembled that summer evening, however, they experienced the presence of God. As a result, they were changed, "in a single moment into a happy people." The revival went on for a hundred years. Those who gathered experienced the presence of God so profoundly that the prayer meeting begun a few days later continued 24 hours a day for more than a hundred years. Out of that prayer meeting, hundreds of missionaries were sent to carry the gospel to unreached peoples around the world. – From: The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever by Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter.

I think it is worth noting, that they had made some effort to change prior to revival, but real heart change did not happen until it happened corporately, when God sovereignly visited. What are we to do? Humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways. That we must do. But, We cannot fix this. We cannot cleanse ourselves, in reality, we long desperately for healing, revival, restoration. We can look around at the world, or the church, and is this, or it is that...if you would see it this way...we argue over everything! Shhhhh....listen, wait, anticipate what He can domin our hearts.

 2012/5/13 17:41

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