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Discussion Forum : Scriptures and Doctrine : Generations from David to the Exile

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Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227

 Generations from David to the Exile

Hi All,
I am doing a study at the moment and am looking at the 14 Generations from David to the Exile.What are the specific people that make up that 14 Generations.I am a bit confused with the three lists in Chronicles,Matthew and Luke.Their is a difference between the Matthew list and the Chronicles list after JERORAM.
If any one can help me out...that would be great thanks Staff

 2012/5/13 17:02Profile

 Re: Generations from David to the Exile

I found this what you ate asking? Hope it helps!

 2012/5/13 18:32

Joined: 2007/2/8
Posts: 2227


Thanks,I will have a look at that thanks again Staff

 2012/5/14 17:09Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC

 Re: Generations from David to the Exile

It's been a while since I studied the matter, but part of the issue has to do with the names in Matthew being originally based on the Greek version of the Old Testament.

Jimmy H

 2012/5/14 22:39Profile


I remember a Jewish scholar saying in a message once that the names listed in the family trees also being based somewhat on what the author was intending to show in the character of Christ. They're selective, and not complete in the sense we would consider complete. Not incorrect or anything like that, but the family tree listed were specifically important to the picture that was being painted of Christ that the initial Jewish audience would have understood.

Also the family tree from Luke was on Mary's side I believe. I think early non-Christian rabbinic resources also state this somewhere, if I'm not mistaken.

 2012/5/14 23:48

Joined: 2004/4/27
Posts: 431
New York

 Re: Generations from David to the Exile

The Biblical Geneologies is not as we understand geneologies. In the Hebrew geneologies, there is no grandfathers, great grandfathers, etc. Their usage of the words 'mother' and 'father' is not the as we use these words today.

In Hebrew, A Father is the father of his son and daughters, and he is also father of his Sons and daughters children, and he is the father of what we call great grandchildren, and so on.

Same is true for mothers. A mother of her children is also called a mother of her grandchildren, and also mother of her great grandchildren, and on and on it goes.

So we use modern English, Spanish, French, etc. reading someone begat someone in the OT, and we assume that begat means a parent to child direct relationship. But to God's people of the Exodus and through the later Israelites, 'begat' merely means ancestor of - whomever's name comes next in the lineage. In fact, in Jesus day, all Jews simply referred to Abraham as "Father Abraham". Abraham is their father because they were simply descendants of his seed.

I highly recommend Walter C. Kaiser's books: 'Hard Sayings of the Hold Testament', and his follow up: 'More Hard Sayings of the Old Testament.' Walter Kaiser is a trusted OT Scholar and well respected expert on the OT.

In the book "More Hard Sayings of the OT" Prof. Kaiser addresses Hebrew geneology in his chapter on "Exodus 6:16-20, and Exodus 12:40 - Three Generations of Levites During 430 Years in Egypt. LOL :)

Arthur Biele

 2012/5/15 0:20Profile

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