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richrock Member

Joined: 2012/2/27 Posts: 93 UK
| Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | I've heard enough teaching on this website to get me off my behind. I'm going out - to preach the gospel. Decided after much prayer to use tracts to do so, just to have something in my hands to use to get speaking to people (I'm normally quite shy).
Couple of things though: Does anyone know of any good tracts to use? I'm based in the UK and have looked on Living Waters, and also a place called Victory Tracts, but nobody seems to show the contents of them, so I would effectively be buying blind. I just want to make people aware of the gospel.
Does anyone else do this? Is this a burden I can share here? I would have looked at tracts in our church (we used to have them years ago) but there are none.
Please pray that I would find the right tracts, a good solid Gospel presentation with no compromise, and be filled with the spirit to go out and fulfil my commission. |
2012/5/13 8:49 | Profile |
Trekker Member

Joined: 2011/7/29 Posts: 683 northern USA
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | There is The Old Paths Tract Society...if indeed memory serves. Look online for them. They have a very wide selection. I often mailed out tracts, not only to neighbors but also to people i didnt even know. I also went thru a library with them, etc. Did you know that the homeless and "mentally ill" often hang out at libraries? In winter to stay warm as long as possible and in summer to stay cool. So there are a lot of hungry souls there with plenty of time to do nothing but talk, and they are lonely souls.
Once i ordered a pizza from a major chain and when the delivery guy arrived i got up the courage to offer him a tract and to my total shock he cheerfully accepted with never a hint of disapproval, hesitation, or disdain. I let him take his pick of a variety of Chick tracts. Of course, i gave him a tip too, must not forget that.
I don't use tracts due to any shyness however; my problem is an inability to know how to bring the subject up without being abrupt or how to start, what the appropriate first thing to say would be. But i do have some wild stories of occasions when i gave the Gospel verbally instead of using tracts (that's something for a different conversation). |
2012/5/13 9:11 | Profile |
ET101 Member

Joined: 2010/10/26 Posts: 240
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | Good on you!!
Here's just one link I found:
There are plenty more like it online - this way you know what's in the tract before you commit to it. |
2012/5/13 9:15 | Profile |
richrock Member

Joined: 2012/2/27 Posts: 93 UK
| Re: | | Thanks, I have found somewhere - Open Air Missions. They're UK based, and I had seen them in our town. A small organisation, not afraid of the heckler, but prepared to preach the Gospel whatever the cost. |
2012/5/13 9:39 | Profile |
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | I remember years ago ordering tracts from the Mennonites, they had some good ones and they were all free. They sent me a medium sized box of them. I was a lot like you brother, I wanted to do something for God, so I ran around the country side handing out tracts till I heard the voice of the Lord say, "but Mary hath chosen the best part". I had missed it. I thought it was my duty to get out there and win the lost. Then I heard Him again, "sit still". Oh how hard it was to do that. To sit still and receive instruction from the Lord was most difficult, to some degree it still is. The one thing that I learned from God was that He does not need my help, He is God. And another thing was that He is not in a hurry to get people saved like we are in a hurry.
I pray that you search out your own ways and ask yourself if your doing all this in your own strength. Or are the thoughts, "I am wasting my life away doing nothing, I have to do something".
I know this post sounds like a downer, but it's not. I would like for you to take an inventory of your thoughts and prayerfully consider that what you intend to do is by the Spirit of God and not by the need to do something for God.
Be of Good Cheer! |
2012/5/13 10:29 | |
| Re: | | Some of living waters material is very well suited for shifting from natural conversation to spiritual.
A technique that I learned from Ray Comfort to make this transition easy is this.
Ask the question gently and sincerly, "Do you have a spiritual background?"
I have used this phrase over a hundred times. I cannot remember anyone getting upset with me asking this question.
Then If you are prayed up God will give you utterance and what to ask further and declare further to whomever you are talking to.
Another thing in regards to the tracts is to ask did you get one of these? not "Do you want one of these?"
Then as the person takes it you could then gently ask "Do you have a religious background?
More could be said but I just wanted to share that for transition. |
2012/5/13 10:33 | |
richrock Member

Joined: 2012/2/27 Posts: 93 UK
| Re: | | Hi all,
Thanks for the encouragement, and even the sobering words of caution. I have sat on this burden for nigh-on four months now, it's just getting stronger.
I do keep myself disciplined in seeking God about this in private times, and the burden rises more each time. It's like it's the natural fruit of seeking Him.
Hope that makes sense @Approved... :-)
2012/5/13 12:52 | Profile |
InTheLight Member

Joined: 2003/7/31 Posts: 2850 Phoenix, Arizona USA
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | Quote:
I've heard enough teaching on this website to get me off my behind. I'm going out - to preach the gospel. Decided after much prayer to use tracts to do so, just to have something in my hands to use to get speaking to people (I'm normally quite shy).
Praise the Lord for all those who finally "get it" and just go. If all our learning does not bring us to a knowledge of the truth then what good is it?
The Lord bless you.
Ron H. _________________ Ron Halverson
2012/5/13 14:10 | Profile |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | | Back in 2005, after I came back to the Lord (from backsliding), I asked Him if this was all there was to my Christian existence is just being saved? I asked Him to give me a ministry, something somewhere where I could serve HIM and not just church (by that I mean doing the sound and powerpoint for a church).
After some misfires of trying to find one on my own, He gave me a jail ministry and that was six years ago. I am happy serving Him in the jails, praise His holy name!! Ask Him for a ministry where you can serve and He just may surprise you too!!
God bless you, Lisa
(edit) PS: Upon thinking further about it, after finding sermonindex and listening to all this wonderful sermons and people doing something for Jesus was when I asked Him for a ministry also!! Ain't God good??? Thank you Greg for sermonindex!
_________________ Lisa
2012/5/13 17:22 | Profile |
narrowpath Member

Joined: 2005/1/9 Posts: 1522 Germany NRW
| Re: Tired of sitting around, gonna get out there... | |
Some tracts do not present the gospel very well, here is a ministry where you can order tracts for free and they ship them to you. They can do with a donation of course, but they run the entire ministry by faith and do not ask for money.
Their tracts are excellent and very scriptural.
2012/5/13 17:35 | Profile |