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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 MUST WATCH: A Merciful Attitude by Zac Poonen


This is a powerful and needful teaching to hear and believe. The truth of mercy and grace needs to be much grasped with us who are seeking to fully obey Christ in discipleship. We can never lose the vision and truth that Christ died for us while we were sinners and it was by great mercy we even called out to Him.

You can watch the message by Zac Poonen at 31:20 if you forward to that mark.

A Merciful Attitude by Sandeep & Zac Poonen

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2012/5/12 23:58Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: MUST WATCH: A Merciful Attitude by Zac Poonen

I've recently had to face this issue of rejoicing at the extending of mercy to someone I thought didn't deserve it. It is actually comical looking back because I was originally moved to pray for judgement for that person. In the time between the prayer for judgement and when the judgement was realized in their life, I was moved to pray for mercy. When the judgement came to pass, I thought that the time had come and there would be no repentance. However, the Lord was merciful and granted repentance and raised them from their sick bed. Then, to my astonishment, gave them an uncommon unction to preach. Then the person was struck with sickness again and I thought once again that this was the final judgement but the Lord extended His mercy to heal them. He also moved them to stop seeking their own and feed the flock. I again found the Lord causing me to bless and plead for the Lord's mercy for this person, contrary to my disposition.

All this came through praying according to the leading of the Spirit. I would not have admitted that desired eradication of this person but my attitude after God showed mercy revealed this, especially after He moved me to pray for healing and blessing. I had thought declaration of judgement to be final, thus any prayer for healing or mercy was subject to cancellation. This was not so! Amen. Indeed He is the Living Word and mercy triumphs over justice! Praise God! Maranatha!

 2012/5/13 5:04Profile

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