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 Book: Counsel From The Cross

Just wondering if anyone here has read this book by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Dennis E. Johnson?

My pastor and an elder at my church recommended it to me. In regard to what I struggle with it hits the nail on the head. It talks about self-righteousness versus sorrow, and how both stem from trying to follow the law. It talks about focusing on how much God loves you as opposed to how short we fall, as a means to bring about obedience from a loving and humble heart.

Just wanted to see if anyone has read it or has comments on what they know.

We had bible study last night at the pastor's house and I told him: "I think this is what I need" He responded "I believe its what everyone needs". The core to what is talked about in this book is how our pastor preaches from the pulpit. Anyone know what movement this is from?


 2012/5/12 14:13

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: Book: Counsel From The Cross

Hi NoahJD,

I haven't read this book. However, I often will "try" a book online before I go ahead and make a purchase.

You can often read portions of a book -- including the forward, table of contents, selected chapters and index -- at and Google Books.

You can search for the book or authors at either location. In addition, you can search through the book as well.

On Amazon, simply look for the words "LOOK INSIDE" when searching.

By the way, some books (mostly classic books) are available at Google Books without necessitating a purchase. Some authors and publishers will "release" their book into the public domain.

It looks like the first few chapters are available for review at Google Books.

I hope this helps.


 2012/5/12 14:44Profile


Thanks Chris. Blessings to you.

 2012/5/12 20:07

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