In the end if a christian cannot love and discern maturely and they speak in tongues they really have a problem!!
@ DeadnYou stated
What I am against is the spiritual badge people are given and give themselves because they think they do such a thing and yet have no power and have taken the entire 'gift' out of its context
Suppose someone speaks in tongues there is no power.
Yes, there is a prayer language of tongues but biblical we read that it was spoken as a act of proclaiming God in a language the speaker didn't know to someone who did. I.E. if I began speaking French proclaiming God and there were French people around here the gospel.
Did Paul speak in tongues?
I just think tongues has been prostitued to be a spiritual badge and those who don't are made to be inferior when many who speak in other tongues don't even love as they should according to the power of the Spirit.
Solomon101,I just wanted to say how much I, for one, appreciated your timely response on 2012/5/11 6:29. God bless you brother,Sister Lisa
hi, i was a somewhat backsliden evangelist who battled satan tooth and nail was confessing my sins to the Lord and told Him i needed help for i was a lousy christian and i emediately began to speak in tongues never having been in a pentacostal church. my friend wrote a paper at the baptist seminary on why tongues were not for today ... a month later was praying for his mother who was in a comma... with no results he cried out for the same power that the apostles had in acts and received on the spot... he prayed for his mom and she was raised up. does this make me or will any better than you ?no,it just was God meeting our needs at the time we needed strength from above and as we ;alone in our prayer closet pray in tongues ,are built up in our Holy faith... it is probably because we are weeker that God helps us.jimp