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Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, no that is not what i said.who is God using today to do His work?jimp

 2012/5/10 20:09Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!


The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are symbols representing the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).

Welcome to the red pill brother!

I love that movie reference!! I often refer people to take the red pill myself!! LOL

God bless bro!


 2012/5/10 22:11Profile

 Re: Preference of Tongues

Are you saying that it is the pentecostal/charismatic people who are doing evangelization and making converts in this world? If so is it based on the fact that they speak in tongues? If so I see a flaw here

It seems difficult from reading Acts and Corinthians together to resists the connection between speaking in Tongues and having Power from on high as a necessary gift to serve God in His strength and not our own; in regards to evangelisation. The difficulty for me is when the emphasis becomes Tongues and not Power.

Acts speaks of Tongues but the emphasis is clearly power as can be seen by Peter's first evangelistic work. The tongues at Pentecost were evidential, or a bearing witness to the many who had gathered in the vicinity of the room the disciples were waiting in for that very power. Whereas 'tongues of fire' were evidential to the disciples themselves. The Lord emphasised the need for Power when he commanded the disciples to 'wait'. The evidence seems to bear witness of itself. The Power gathered in thousands of souls.

Corinthians shows that the gift of Tongues however is the least of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit. Not that we should despise anything given By The Spirit. One cannot change Scripture, even if our personal experience seems to contradict what is taught by It. If this personal experience of Tongues appears to be the focus for saints who having experienced it then quiet reasonably they may want to emphasis it. But it is the least of the Gifts of The Holy Spirit. Where we see this gift coming into its own effect is in the area of personal wrestling either in our own lives, because we are grieving the Holy Spirit and a sudden expression of this Gift can be a true release of Power outworking to our own good benefit. Or similary when we are wrestling with a burden which we don't even understand fully regarding a purpose of God; which to the one excessing the gift is a mystery. I think the reason why evangelism seems to be seen in the light of the Gift of Tongues is not because of the gift, but because of the power which comes from the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

It is easy to understand why Tongues is a concern for many saints because of the seeming 'risk' of being deluded by unclean spirits into a false expression where the power lies in the soul instead of coming out of the regenerated spirit. Many of the skewed doctrines today have been taught by men and women who emphasise Tongues as an evidential proof of the Power of God. Tongues cannot be the power of God. The Holy Spirit Himself is the power of God. Tongues is simply a Gift of The Holy Spirit for edification, not evangelism. Some of these thoughts are personal, based on experience and some of them are clearly demonstrated in Scripture.


 2012/5/10 23:06

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, receive power to be My witnesses...jimp

 2012/5/11 1:19Profile


...receive power to be My witnesses..

Yes. Amen brother. Just so. Thank you.


 2012/5/11 5:29

Joined: 2012/2/27
Posts: 93


@narrowpath - I've said I don't want to reveal specific locations, but will gladly say I'm living in south wales UK, fairly rural, about an hour from Cardiff (not saying which direction :D)...

I rejoice that God has revealed Himself in this way, that this is an incredibly hard path, narrow and also difficult considering my change from the 'old Christian' to the 'new Christian'. The difficulties around the change of belief and of those with my wife are paramount prayer points, and of next importance is those who do not know Him.

I'm ordering tracts, and seeking to just go out and preach when I'm not working. This is borne out of a spiritual frustration that God has laid on me, largely due to the 15 years of Christian 'comfort' I have experienced so far.

Why? Because in my formative years as a Christian, someone once used the 'preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words' to me. That was death to me. Sure, live a lifestyle worthy of the Gospel, but surely that means we go out and tell people right?

It angers me that we are content to just tell people we are Christian and give little or no reason why - this is something God is challenging in my heart and mind, I'm mulling this over almost constantly.

If you are praying for me, please just simply pray that I would meet people of like mind who would be able to encourage each other, not seeking wonders, but simply the very heart of God, which I firmly believe is to reach those around us with the Gospel. From that I think the wonders will come, people will believe, and be healed, not always of infirmities, but of the very sickness of sin itself.

Sorry, started rambling on there.

 2012/5/11 7:49Profile

Joined: 2008/4/1
Posts: 536
America's Flyover Country


1 Cor. 14:4 Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies, (builds up and recharges) themselves.

Jude 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,

Romans 8:26 the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans

These a few examples of what scripture shows as the purpose of PRAYING in tongues. First it is to empower, recharge and energize the believer. Thus The Holy Spirit said through Paul in 1 Corinthians that he wanted all believers to speak in tongues. Tongues also enables us to pray beyond our limited knowledge as seen in the Romans verse listed.

The "gift" of tongues mentioned also in 1 Corinthians is for a totally different purpose. Paul makes clear that it is to MINISTER TO OTHERS. This is the specific tongue that he states not all would speak in. However, the prayer tongue is for all. Paul makes that abundantly clear in 1 Corinthians 14.

If we would do an exhaustive study of all applicable scriptures we would also find that there are three specific and unique types of "tongues" mentioned in scripture. Each has its own function, purpose, and place within the framework of a Christian's life and ministry to the world.

We should not be surprised that there is confusion or at times divisiveness over this issue. Any weapon, or gift , that God has given enabling believers to become spiritually recharged and energized will be fought against by the enemy. The ability to further pray beyond our limited knowledge and instead specifically for the things The Holy Spirit knows needs to be prayed for in the way it should be prayed for is something the enemy will fight a great deal also.

Perhaps there is a connection between the power resident in Paul's ministry and the fact that he told the Corinthians he prayed in tongues more than them all!

 2012/5/11 8:03Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL


I am not against the act of speaking in tongues now. What I am against is the spiritual badge people are given and give themselves because they think they do such a thing and yet have no power and have taken the entire 'gift' out of its context. I find it a dangerous and disillusional thing to play with.

Suppose someone speaks in tongues there is no power. What does that mean? And yet how much of spiritual discernmenet is there through it - speak gibberish and it is of God. How many people know how to discern it? Yes, there is a prayer language of tongues but biblical we read that it was spoken as a act of proclaiming God in a language the speaker didn't know to someone who did. I.E. if I began speaking French proclaiming God and there were French people around here the gospel.

Did Paul speak in tongues? I just think tongues has been prostitued to be a spiritual badge and those who don't are made to be inferior when many who speak in other tongues don't even love as they should according to the power of the Spirit.


 2012/5/11 8:51Profile


DEADn... tho you may receive a lot of flak by some here for posting that, I think what you said is extremely valid.

There is a snobbery that takes place. I would not dare say that it only comes from the tongues speaking side, but also from those who do not believe in it.

This should not be.

There have been some here who have told others that they need to pray for more power in their lives... meaning tongues... so they can be more effective and walk in a deeper way.

Thats an amazing thing for people to say to others on here that they have never met.


 2012/5/11 9:05

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL


Yes KK. I say what I say out of personal experience in the assemblies of God and Church of God crowd. There is always the big debate between that crowd and the more fundamental crowd. I always seek to tell the more fundamental crowd to read the portions of scripture dealing with tongues more carefully and not to your denominational bias. I tell the pentecostal crowd to not think more highly then you are and discern, with denom. bias what tongues are really for. In the end if a christian cannot love and discern maturely and they speak in tongues they really have a problem!!


 2012/5/11 9:13Profile

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