Poster | Thread | jimp Member

Joined: 2005/6/18 Posts: 1481
| Re: | | hi, the greatest sign for the tongue talking community is the facts of the evangelization of the earth and who is doing it and the results there of . in china and cuba and south and central america and africa it is millions of converts to christianity and in moslem countries ; more people are converting to charismatic christianity than to allah.jimp |
| 2012/5/9 18:22 | Profile | wijnand Member

Joined: 2006/3/31 Posts: 116
| Re: Help with reformed vs charismatic/pentcostal | | I think a lot of people have anwsered your questions already, but let me say this:
In my country (The Netherlands/Holland) it's the same thing as in the UK. For some years I have been strugling and in the end I couldn't stay any longer and left the Evangelical church (that is like pentacostal). There are - as far as I know - no biblical church near to us. So when we left, a couple of month after that we started a church with 5 people. At this moment we have 9 adults and 2 children. God is doing a work in our midst even though there is a lot of attack on us because we speak about repentance, faith, born again, etc.
But I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of people (brothers & sisters) in the same situation as you.
A question, you said: "I am at the point I have to tread on eggshells when discussing theological issues with my wife, and I know that's not healthy to start with." You mean to say that you and your wife aren't in unity on theological grounds? Then maybe that's your most important point to pray for!
And for the rest: Pray, Read scripture, Obey and trust Christ!
That God may bless you, Wijnand _________________ Wijnand de Ridder
| 2012/5/10 3:13 | Profile | richrock Member

Joined: 2012/2/27 Posts: 93 UK
| Re: | | Many thanks all for your responses. This is the sort of response I would expect from a site such as this.
@wijnand - yes, we are now at almost opposite ends of the spectrum, and we have talked some about it, we agree on the core issues of salvation, repentance, faith etc. She comes from a heavy 'bible-thumping' family, and has difficulty approaching the word. I pray she would continue reading (she does is stages) and that God would change her in time. It's tricky, and I have to trust God absolutely that He would reveal His truth in His time...
Our worship consists of periods where we can reflect, pray or sing out in 'free worship'. I was bored, I wanted to sing declarations of praise but the atmosphere would have made me sound so ridiculous...
All that has happened to me convinces me that there is no end-time revival, but we are in a stage of falling away, like we are slipping gradually towards a precipice.
I know this all sounds negative - but it's not. I'm glad that God has revealed it to me, and I am glad that He has given me a passion to love Him and be utterly submitted to Him, whatever the cost, obeying His word as best as He allows me to.
Thank you all. |
| 2012/5/10 12:34 | Profile | DEADn Member

Joined: 2011/1/12 Posts: 1395 Lakeland FL
| Re: | | Quote:
All that has happened to me convinces me that there is no end-time revival, but we are in a stage of falling away, like we are slipping gradually towards a precipice
Interesting thoughts. I agree with the revival part of it. Too many times I have heard of 'revival is coming' and then I see what it supposed to be revival fall on its face. I can't believe that God would cause something to happen that would fall on its face. I also think we tend to look for what is happening in America as the basis for what God is doing and I think that is short sighted as well. _________________ John
| 2012/5/10 13:09 | Profile |
| Re: | | HI Rich, you said ...........
"All that has happened to me convinces me that there is no end-time revival, but we are in a stage of falling away, like we are slipping gradually towards a precipice"
We almost agree :) The falling away part bro I believe has already happened, here in the States too. If one lived in Britian and saw churches over here, mega churches, some with 40,000 people in them, they would think that the falling away was still some way off, but, from my standpoint, it has already happened. Now, as to the revival, what I believe is that God is going to revive His people, people who genuinly know Him, and people will be saved through this as God pours out His Spirit in the end days. At the exact same time as this outpouring, an outpouring of majesty and glory and holiness and weeping, there will come persecution upon them. It would be kinda like the 10 virgins, they are all virgins, they all have lamps, they all sleep, but at a time of the returning of the groom, they awake and the oil in their lamps in lit. I believe that God is awakening His people, and what you described as happening to you, and our dear brother from Holland ( God bless them) is part of that awakening, the beginning of it, coinciding with the birth pangs. Love you brother , take care............bro Frank |
| 2012/5/10 13:24 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
hi, the greatest sign for the tongue talking community is the facts of the evangelization of the earth and who is doing it and the results there of . in china and cuba and south and central america and africa it is millions of converts to christianity and in moslem countries ; more people are converting to charismatic christianity than to allah.jimp
Praise the Lord! Any time God chooses to move and call men unto Himself its a good thing! And God uses the entire Body of Christ. Throughout history God used many of the Reformed persuasion to spearhead great revivals, evangelistic movements and missions world-wide. He has also used many who were decidedly not Reformed, like the Wesleys. Based upon that Im not sure it validates one sect over another
but it actually validates that God will move and utilize whoever He wills. The glory of such a movement, revival or whatever you want to call it should never go toward the vessel (Charismatics, Reformed, Methodist, etc), but always to God. I know thats not what you were saying, but felt the reminder was needed.
| 2012/5/10 15:55 | | narrowpath Member

Joined: 2005/1/9 Posts: 1522 Germany NRW
| Re: Help with reformed vs charismatic/pentcostal | | God bless you brother Richrock and welcome to SI !
I can understand what you are going through. I have been there and many of us, too.
Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.
Where are you based? |
| 2012/5/10 16:30 | Profile | learjet Member

Joined: 2010/4/19 Posts: 447
| Re: | | Quote:
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are symbols representing the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).
Welcome to the red pill brother!
Brother frank gave you some great wisdom, there are a bunch of us, don't get discouraged (bro tom, jimdied2sin and many sisters as well).
Much love! |
| 2012/5/10 16:40 | Profile | jimp Member

Joined: 2005/6/18 Posts: 1481
| Re: | | hi, for forty years i ministered as a reformed charismatic and do not understand why there is so much divisivness in the church about a lot of stupid things. we are to have gifts following our ministry nd ,like paul , not just with words but proof. in mexico there was a man who started over ten churches in his lifetime ,each over 2000 members without any help from the us that you would know about him,all self supported and with mexican pastors. he also trained many other men in his bible col. but you have never heard of him.this is happening around the world . you are basing your biased opinions on what you know which is understandable.God is still moving on the earth in a mighty way. in my city we fellowshipwith a group of churches, some are baptist,some charismatic ,some reformed with the idea to win baton rouge to Jesus Christ. i recommend all of these churches and tell people to go where God leads is ultimately up to you to make your church a success or failure in your life.jimp |
| 2012/5/10 19:37 | Profile | DEADn Member

Joined: 2011/1/12 Posts: 1395 Lakeland FL
| Re: | | Quote:
hi, the greatest sign for the tongue talking community is the facts of the evangelization of the earth and who is doing it and the results there of . in china and cuba and south and central america and africa it is millions of converts to christianity and in moslem countries ; more people are converting to charismatic christianity than to allah.jimp
Are you saying that it is the pentecostal/charismatic people who are doing evangelization and making converts in this world? If so is it based on the fact that they speak in tongues? If so I see a flaw here.
It seems to me that if we are relying on tongues for evangelizing then we are treading on deception. Doesn't scripture even say that even if we speak with tongues of angels and can prophesy but have not love we are nothing? Love and truth go hand in hand in conviction to repentance. Tongues can be so deceptive.
I don't condemn tongues but I do wish to make my voice heard when I hear tongues being elevated to something it shouldn't be. When it is exalted as if it is some spiritual gift that if any christian doesn't have it then they are not with God. This is the danger those in other countries encounter when swept into charismania. If I am wrong may God, in Jesus, show me my error. I only share this based on my experience within pentecostalism and what they esteem highly. _________________ John
| 2012/5/10 19:43 | Profile |